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TMC4671-ES 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TMC4671-ES
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内容描述: [Encoder Engine: Hall analog/digital, Encoder analog/digital]
文件页数/大小: 157 页 / 4962 K
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TMC4671 Datasheet IC Version V1.00 | Document Revision V1.04 2018-Dec-11  
37 / 157  
Figure 18: Encoder ABN Timing - high precise N pulse and less precise N pulse  
4.7.3 Secondary Incremental ABN Encoder  
For commutating a motor with FOC, the user selects a position sensor source (digital incremental encoder,  
digital Hall, analog Hall, analog incremental encoder, . . . ) that is mounted close to the motor. The inner  
FOC loop controls torque and ux of the motor based on the measured phase currents and the electrical  
angle of the rotor.  
The TMC4671 is equipped with a secondary incremental encoder interface. This secondary encoder  
interface is available as source for velocity control or position control. This is for applications where a  
motor with a gearing positions an object.  
The secondary incremental encoder is not available for commutation (phi_e) for  
the inner FOC. In others words, there is no electrical angle phi_e selectable from  
the secondary encoder.  
4.7.4 Digital Hall Sensor Interface with optional Interim Position Interpolation  
The digital Hall interface is the position sensor interface for digital Hall signals. The digital Hall signal  
interface rst maps the digital Hall signals to an electrical position PHI_E_RAW. An oset PHI_E_OFFSET can  
be used to rotate the orientation of the Hall signal angle. The electrical angle PHI_E is for commutation.  
Optionally, the default electrical positions of the Hall sensors can be adjusted by writes into the associated  
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