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TMC4671-ES 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TMC4671-ES
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内容描述: [Encoder Engine: Hall analog/digital, Encoder analog/digital]
文件页数/大小: 157 页 / 4962 K
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TMC4671 Datasheet IC Version V1.00 | Document Revision V1.04 2018-Dec-11  
35 / 157  
4.7 Encoder Engine  
The encoder engine is an unied position sensor interface. It maps the selected encoder position informa-  
tion to electrical position (phi_e) and to mechanical position (phi_e). Both are 16 bit values. The encoder  
engine maps single turn positions from position sensors to multi-turn positions. The user can overwrite  
the multi-turn position for initialization.  
The dierent position sensors are the position sources for torque and ux control via FOC, for velocity  
control, and for position control. The PHI_E_SELECTION selects the source of the electrical angel phi_e  
for the inner FOC control loop. VELOCITY_SELECTION selects the source for velocity measurement. With  
phi_e selected as source for velocity measurement, one gets the electrical velocity. With the mechanical  
angle phi_m selected as source for velocity measurement, one gets the mechanical velocity taking the  
set number of pole pairs (N_POLE_PAIRS) of the motor into account. Nevertheless, for a highly precise  
positioning, it might be useful to do positioning based on the electrical angel phi_e.  
4.7.1 Open-Loop Encoder  
For initial system setup, the encoder engine is equipped with an open-loop position generator. This allows  
for turning the motor open-loop by specifying speed in rpm and acceleration in rpm/s, together with  
a voltage UD_EXT in D direction. As such, the open-loop encoder is not a real encoder. It simply gives  
positions as an encoder does. The open-loop decoder has a direction bit to dene direction of motion for  
the application.  
The open-loop encoder is useful for initial ADC setup, encoder setup, Hall signal  
validation, and for validation of the number of pole pairs of a motor. The open-  
loop encoder turns a motor open with programmable velocity in unit [RPM] with  
programmable acceleration in unit [RPM/s].  
With the open-loop encoder, the user can turn a motor without any position sensor and without any  
current measurement as a rst step of doing the system setup. With the turning motor, the user can  
adjust the ADC scales and osets and set up positions sensors (Hall, incremental encoder, . . . ) according  
to resolution, orientation, and direction of rotation.  
4.7.2 Incremental ABN Encoder  
The incremental encoders give two phase shifted incremental pulse signals A and B. Some incremental  
encoders have an additional null position signal N or zero pulse signal Z. An incremental encoder (called  
ABN encoder or ABZ encoder) has an individual number of incremental pulses per revolution. The number  
of incremental pulses dene the number of positions per revolution (PPR). The PPR might mean pulses  
per revolution or periods per revolution. Instead of positions per revolution, some incremental encoder  
vendors call these CPR counts per revolution.  
The PPR parameter is the most important parameter of the incremental encoder interface. With that, it  
forms a modulo (PPR) counter, counting from 0 to (PPR-1). Depending on the direction, it counts up or  
down. The modulo PPR counter is mapped into the register bank as a dual ported register. The user can  
overwrite it with an initial position. The ABN encoder interface provides both the electrical position and  
the multi-turn position, which are accessible through dual-ported read-write registers.  
The PPR parameter must be set exactly according to the used encoder.  
The N pulse from an encoder triggers either sampling of the actual encoder count to fetch the position at  
the N pulse or it re-writes the fetched n position on an N pulse. The N pulse can either be used as stand  
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