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TMC4671-ES 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TMC4671-ES
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内容描述: [Encoder Engine: Hall analog/digital, Encoder analog/digital]
文件页数/大小: 157 页 / 4962 K
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TMC4671 Datasheet IC Version V1.00 | Document Revision V1.04 2018-Dec-11  
36 / 157  
alone pulse or and-ed with NAB = N and A and B. It depends on the decoder what kind of N pulse has to be  
used - either N or NAB. For those encoders with precise N pulse within one AB quadrant, the N pulse must  
be used. For those encoders with N pulse over four AB quadrants the user can enhance the precision of  
the N pulse position detection by using NAB instead of N.  
Incremental encoders are available with N pulse and without N pulse.  
Figure 17: ABN Incremental Encoder N Pulse  
The polarity of N pulse, A pulse and B pulse are programmable. The N pulse is for reinitialization with each  
turn of the motor. Once fetched, the ABN decoder can be congured to write back the fetched N pulse  
position with each N pulse.  
The ABN encoder interface has a direction bit to set to match wiring of motor to  
direction of encoder.  
Logical ABN = A and B and N might be useful for incremental encoders with low resolution N pulse to  
enhance the resolution. On the other hand, for incremental encoders with high resolution N pulse a logical  
ABN = A and B and N might totally suppress the resulting N pulse.  
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