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TMC4670 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TMC4670
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内容描述: [Field Oriented Control (FOC) w/ Servo Controller]
文件页数/大小: 102 页 / 4574 K
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TMC4670 Datasheet PRELIMINARY IC Version V0.99 | Document Revision V0.91 2016-Nov-09  
Figure 16: BBM Timing  
Measured BBM times at MOS-FET gates diers from programmed BBM times due  
to driver delays and possible additional gate driver BBM times. The programmed  
BBM times are for the digital control signals.  
Too small BBM times cause electrical short of the MOS-FET bridges - so called  
shoot through - that shorts the power supply and might damage the power stage  
and the power supply.  
3.8.6 Space Vector PWM (SVPWM)  
A single bit controls the internal Space vector PWM (SVPWM) enable. No further setting are required for  
the space vector PWM - just ON or OFF. The power on default for the SVPM is OFF.  
The SVPWM is for 3-phase motors only. For 2-phase motors there is no SVPWM.  
4 Safety Functions  
Dierent safety functions are integrated and mapped to status bits. Two programmable mask register  
select those bits for WARNING or ERROR. Warning just indicated the warning status at the WARNING  
output. An Error will cause programmable actions on error conditions and indicate the error status directly  
at ERROR output, as PWM = OFF on over current condition or ADC raw values with permanent zero or ADC  
raw values at maximum, . . .  
Programmable autonomous error handling is not implemented yet.  
Internal hardware limiters for real time clipping and monitoring of interim values are available. LIMIT or  
LIMITS is part of register names of registers associated to internal limiters. Please refer 5.  
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Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved.  
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Read entire documentation.  