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TMC4670 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TMC4670
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内容描述: [Field Oriented Control (FOC) w/ Servo Controller]
文件页数/大小: 102 页 / 4574 K
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TMC4670 Datasheet PRELIMINARY IC Version V0.99 | Document Revision V0.91 2016-Nov-09  
3.7.6 P(I) Position  
For the position regulator, the P part is represented as q4.12 to be compatible with the high resolution  
positions - one single rotation is handled as an s16.  
This is because e = x - x_target might result in larger e[s32] for x[s32] and x_target[s32] represented as s32  
for e = x - x_target for x[s16] and x_target[s16] represented as s16.  
3.7.7 Inner FOC Control Loop - Flux & Torque  
The inner FOC loop (gure 13) regulates the ux current to a ux target of zero and the torque current to  
the desired torque target. The inner FOC loop performs the desired transformations according to gure 14  
for 3-phase motors (FOC3). For 2-phase motors (FOC2) both Clark (CLARK) transformation and inverse  
Clark (iCLARK) a by-passed.  
The inner FOC control loop gets a target torque value (I_Q_TARGET) that represents acceleration, the rotor  
position, and the measured currents as input data. Together with the programmed P and I parameters,  
the inner FOC loop calculates three target voltage values as input for the PWM engine.  
Figure 13: Inner FOC Control Loop  
3.7.8 FOC Transformations and PI(D) for control of Flux & Torque  
The Clark transformation (CLARKE) maps three motor phase currents (IU  
coordinate system with two currents (Iα Iβ). Based on the actual rotor angel determined by an encoder  
or via sensorless techniques, the Park transformation (PARK) maps these two currents to a quasi-static  
coordinate system with two currents ( IQ). The current represents ux and the current IQ represents  
torque. The ux just pulls on the rotor but does not eect torque. The torque is eected by the (IQ). Two  
, IW ) to a two dimensional  
PI controllers determine two voltages (UD  
ux of zero. The determined voltages (UD  
UQ) to drive desired currents for a target torque and a target  
UQ) are re-transformed into the stator system by the inverse  
Parke transformation (iPARK). The inverse Clarke Transformation (iCLARKE) transform these two currents  
into three voltages (UU  
, UW ). Theses three voltage are the input of the PWM engine to drive the power  
In case of the FOC2, Clarke transformation CLARKE and inverse Clarke Transformation iCLARKE are skipped.  
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