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DP83848IVVX 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DP83848IVVX
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内容描述: DP83848I PHYTER工业温度单端口10/100 Mb / s以太网物理层收发器 [DP83848I PHYTER Industrial Temperature Single Port 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver]
分类和应用: 以太网局域网(LAN)标准
文件页数/大小: 86 页 / 788 K
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4.3.2 Smart Squelch  
within 150 ns. Finally the signal must again exceed the  
original squelch level within a 150 ns to ensure that the  
input waveform will not be rejected. This checking proce-  
dure results in the loss of typically three preamble bits at  
the beginning of each packet.  
The smart squelch is responsible for determining when  
valid data is present on the differential receive inputs. The  
DP83848I implements an intelligent receive squelch to  
ensure that impulse noise on the receive inputs will not be  
mistaken for a valid signal. Smart squelch operation is  
independent of the 10BASE-T operational mode.  
Only after all these conditions have been satisfied will a  
control signal be generated to indicate to the remainder of  
the circuitry that valid data is present. At this time, the  
smart squelch circuitry is reset.  
The squelch circuitry employs a combination of amplitude  
and timing measurements (as specified in the IEEE 802.3  
10BSE-T standard) to determine the validity of data on the  
twisted pair inputs (refer to Figure 10).  
Valid data is considered to be present until the squelch  
level has not been generated for a time longer than 150 ns,  
indicating the End of Packet. Once good data has been  
detected, the squelch levels are reduced to minimize the  
effect of noise causing premature End of Packet detection.  
The signal at the start of a packet is checked by the smart  
squelch and any pulses not exceeding the squelch level  
(either positive or negative, depending upon polarity) will  
be rejected. Once this first squelch level is overcome cor-  
rectly, the opposite squelch level must then be exceeded  
<150 ns  
>150 ns  
<150 ns  
end of packet  
start of packet  
Figure 10. 10BASE-T Twisted Pair Smart Squelch Operation  
4.3.3 Collision Detection and SQE  
4.3.4 Carrier Sense  
When in Half Duplex, a 10BASE-T collision is detected Carrier Sense (CRS) may be asserted due to receive activ-  
when the receive and transmit channels are active simulta- ity once valid data is detected via the squelch function.  
neously. Collisions are reported by the COL signal on the  
For 10 Mb/s Half Duplex operation, CRS is asserted during  
MII. Collisions are also reported when a jabber condition is  
either packet transmission or reception.  
For 10 Mb/s Full Duplex operation, CRS is asserted only  
The COL signal remains set for the duration of the collision.  
during receive activity.  
If the PHY is receiving when a collision is detected it is  
CRS is deasserted following an end of packet.  
reported immediately (through the COL pin).  
When heartbeat is enabled, approximately 1 µs after the  
transmission of each packet, a Signal Quality Error (SQE)  
signal of approximately 10-bit times is generated to indi-  
cate successful transmission. SQE is reported as a pulse  
on the COL signal of the MII.  
4.3.5 Normal Link Pulse Detection/Generation  
The link pulse generator produces pulses as defined in the  
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T standard. Each link pulse is nomi-  
nally 100 ns in duration and transmitted every 16 ms in the  
absence of transmit data.  
The SQE test is inhibited when the PHY is set in full duplex  
mode. SQE can also be inhibited by setting the  
HEARTBEAT_DIS bit in the 10BTSCR register.  
Link pulses are used to check the integrity of the connec-  
tion with the remote end. If valid link pulses are not  
received, the link detector disables the 10BASE-T twisted  
pair transmitter, receiver and collision detection functions.  
(FORCE_LINK_10 of the 10BTSCR register), a good link is  
forced and the 10BASE-T transceiver will operate regard-  
less of the presence of link pulses.  