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73S1215F-68IMR/F 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 73S1215F-68IMR/F
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 80515系统级芯片, USB , ISO 7816 / EMV ,密码键盘和更多 [80515 System-on-Chip with USB, ISO 7816 / EMV, PINpad and More]
分类和应用: 多功能外围设备微控制器和处理器外围集成电路时钟
文件页数/大小: 136 页 / 1028 K
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73S1215F Data Sheet  
32768Hz crystal or the 12MHz crystal. The selection of the clock source is made external to this block,  
by setting bit 3 – 32KBEN – in the MCLKCtl register (see the oscillator and clock generation section).  
Disabling the 32kHz oscillator will source the 1kHz clock from the 12MHz main oscillator and divide it  
down. Setting bit 6 – KBEN – in the MCLKCtl register will enable keypad scanning and debouncing. The  
keypad size can be adjusted within the KSIZE register.  
Normal scanning is performed by hardware when the bit SCNEN is set at 1 in the KSTAT register. Figure  
13 shows the flowchart of how the hardware scanning operates. In order to minimize power, scanning  
does not occur until a key-press is detected. Once hardware key scanning is enabled, the hardware  
drives all column outputs low and waits for a low to be detected on one of the inputs. When a low is  
detected on any row, and before key scanning starts, the hardware checks that the low level is still  
detected after a debounce time. The debounce time is defined by firmware in the KSCAN register (bits  
7:0, DBTIME). Debounce times from 4ms to 256ms in 4ms increments are supported. If a key is not  
pressed after the debounce time, the hardware will go back to looking for any input to be low. If a key is  
confirmed to be pressed, key scanning begins.  
Key scanning asserts one of the 5 drive lines (COL 4:0) low and looks for a low on a sense line indicating  
that a key is pressed at the intersection of the drive/sense line in the keypad. After all sense lines have  
been checked without a key-press being detected, the next column line is asserted. The time between  
checking each sense line is the scan time and is defined by firmware in the KSCAN register (bits 0:1 –  
SCTIME). Scan times from 1ms to 4ms are supported. Scanning order does not affect the scan time.  
This scanning continues until the entire keypad is scanned. If only one key is pressed, a valid key is  
detected. Simultaneous key presses are not considered as valid (If two keys are pressed, no key is  
reported to firmware).  
Possible scrambling of the column scan order is provided by means of KORDERL and KORDERH  
registers that define the order of column scanning. Values in these registers must be updated every time  
a new keyboard scan order is desired. It is not possible to change the order of scanning the sense lines.  
The column and row intersection for the detected valid key are stored in the KCOL and KROW registers.  
When a valid key is detected, an interrupt is generated. Firmware can then read those registers to  
determine which key had been pressed. After reading the KCOL and KROW registers, the firmware can  
update the KORDERL / KORDERH registers if a new scan order is needed.  
When the SCNEN bit is enabled in the KSTAT register, the KCOL and KROW registers are only updated  
after a valid key has been identified. The hardware does not wait for the firmware to service the interrupt  
in order to proceed with the key scanning process. Once the valid key (or invalid key – e.g. two keys  
pressed) is detected, the hardware waits for the key to be released. Once the key is released, the  
debounce timer is started. If the key is not still released after the debounce time, the debounce counter  
starts again. After a key release, all columns will be driven low as before and the process will repeat  
waiting for any key to be pressed.  
When the SCNEN bit is disabled, all drive outputs are set to the value in the KCOL register. If firmware  
clears the SCNEN bit in the middle of a key scan, the KCOL register contains the last value stored in  
there which will then be reflected on the output pins.  
A bypass mode is provided so that the firmware can do the key scanning manually (SCNEN bit must be  
cleared). In bypass mode, the firmware writes/reads the Column and Row registers to perform the key  
Rev. 1.4  