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SM59A16U1U48VP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SM59A16U1U48VP
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内容描述: SM59A16U1 8位微控制器 64KB具有ISP闪存 & 6K + 256B RAM嵌入式 [SM59A16U1 8-Bit Micro-controller 64KB with ISP Flash & 6K+256B RAM embedded]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 146 页 / 4372 K
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FOSVOS TEL: 021-58998693
8-Bit Micro-controller
64KB with ISP Flash
& 6K+256B RAM embedded
USB Device 2.0
Low speed: 1.5Mbps, Full speed: 12Mbps
1 port USB Device
5 Endpoints for USB device
Endpoint 0: Control IN/OUT. FIFO: 8 bytes
Endpoint 1: Interrupt IN. FIFO: 8 bytes.
Endpoint 2: Interrupt OUT. FIFO: 8byte.
Endpoint 3: Bulk IN. FIFO: 64 bytes.
Endpoint 4: Bulk OUT. FIFO: 64 bytes.
SyncMOS proprietary DFU provide firmware update function by USB
CCU Controller
4-channel 16-bit compare /capture /load functions
Comparator out can be CCU input source internally.
Noise filter with CCU input.
PWM Controller
8-channel 14-bit PWM for BLDC (Brushless DC motors)
and CCD barcode reader control.
A/D Converter
8+1 channel 10-bit analog-to-digital converter
Independent ADC reference voltage
External I/O triggers ADC
ADC auto triggered by specific PWM interrupts.
ADC values by DMA dump into SRAM.
Barcode decoding function.
ADC values convert to slope rate then dump into SRAM by DMA
Barcode decoding has rise / fall slope setting.
MDU (Fast multiplication-division unit)
16*16, 32/16, 16/16, 32-bit L/R shifting and 32-bit normalization
On-chip in-circuit emulator (ICE) function with On-Chip Debugger(OCD)
Enhanced user code protection
EMI reduction mode (ALE output inhibited).
LVI/LVR (deglitch 500ns).
FOSVOS TEL: 021-58998693
Specifications subject to change without notice contact your sales representatives for the most recent information.
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