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FDC37M607 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FDC37M607
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from/to the FIFO does not  
cross the threshold.  
selecting the Parallel Port FIFO mode or ECP  
Parallel Port Mode. (FIFO test mode will be  
addressed separately). After a reset, the FIFO  
is disabled. Each data byte is transferred by a  
Programmed I/O cycle or PDRQ depending on  
the selection of DMA or Programmed I/O mode.  
The interrupt generated is ISA friendly in that it  
must pulse the interrupt line low, allowing for  
interrupt sharing.  
After a brief pulse low  
following the interrupt event, the interrupt line is  
tri-stated so that other interrupts may assert.  
The following paragraphs detail the operation of  
the FIFO flow control. In these descriptions,  
<threshold> ranges from 1 to 16. The parameter  
FIFOTHR, which the user programs, is one less  
and ranges from 0 to 15.  
An interrupt is generated when:  
1. For DMA transfers: When serviceIntr is “0”,  
dmaEn is “1” and the DMA TC is received.  
A low threshold value (i.e. 2) results in longer  
periods of time between service requests, but  
requires faster servicing of the request for both  
read and write cases. The host must be very  
responsive to the service request. This is the  
2. For Programmed I/O:  
When serviceIntr is “0”, dmaEn is “0”,  
direction is “0” and there are  
writeIntrThreshold or more free bytes in  
the FIFO.  
generated when serviceIntr is cleared  
to “0” whenever there are  
writeIntrThreshold or more free bytes in  
the FIFO.  
Also, an interrupt is  
desired case for use with a "fast" system.  
high value of threshold (i.e. 12) is used with a  
"sluggish" system by affording a long latency  
period after a service request, but results in  
more frequent service requests.  
b.(1) When serviceIntr is “0”, dmaEn is “0”,  
direction is “1” and there are  
readIntrThreshold or more bytes in the  
FIFO. Also, an interrupt is generated  
DMA transfers are always to or from the  
ecpDFifo, tFifo or CFifo. DMA utilizes the  
standard PC DMA services. To use the DMA  
transfers, the host first sets up the direction and  
state as in the programmed I/O case. Then it  
programs the DMA controller in the host with the  
desired count and memory address. Lastly it  
sets dmaEn to 1 and serviceIntr to 0. The ECP  
requests DMA transfers from the host by  
activating the PDRQ pin. The DMA will empty  
or fill the FIFO using the appropriate direction  
and mode. When the terminal count in the DMA  
controller is reached, an interrupt is generated  
and serviceIntr is asserted, disabling DMA. In  
order to prevent possible blocking of refresh  
requests dReq shall not be asserted for more  
than 32 DMA cycles in a row. The FIFO is  
enabled directly by asserting nPDACK and  
addresses need not be valid. PINTR is  
generated when a TC is received. PDRQ must  
when serviceIntr is cleared to  
whenever there are readIntrThreshold  
or more bytes in the FIFO.  
3. When nErrIntrEn is “0” and nFault  
transitions from high to low or when  
nErrIntrEn is set from “1” to “0” and nFault is  
4. When ackIntEn is “1” and the nAck signal  
transitions from a low to a high.  
FIFO Operation  
The FIFO threshold is set in the chip  
configuration registers. All data transfers to or  
from the parallel port can proceed in DMA or  
Programmed I/O (non-DMA) mode as indicated  
by the selected mode. The FIFO is used by  