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FDC37C669_07 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FDC37C669_07
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内容描述: 98/99 PC兼容的超级I / O软盘控制器,红外支持 [PC 98/99 Compliant Super I/O Floppy Disk Controller with Infrared Support]
分类和应用: 控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 164 页 / 575 K
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8. Peripheral asserts nWAIT, indicating to the  
host that any hold time requirements have  
been satisfied and acknowledging the  
termination of the cycle.  
9. Chip may modify nWRITE and nPDATA in  
preparation for the next cycle.  
deasserts nDATASTB or nADDRSTRB,  
this marks the beginning of the  
termination phase.  
b) The chip drives the valid data onto the  
SData bus and asserts (releases)  
IOCHRDY allowing the host to  
complete the read cycle.  
9. Peripheral tri-states the PData bus and  
asserts nWAIT, indicating to the host that  
the PData bus is tri-stated.  
10. Chip may modify nWRITE, PDIR and  
nPDATA in preparation for the next cycle.  
EPP 1.9 Read  
The timing for a read operation (data) is shown  
in timing diagram EPP Read Data cycle.  
IOCHRDY is driven active low at the start of  
each EPP read and is released when it has been  
determined that the read cycle can complete.  
The read cycle can complete under the following  
When the EPP 1.7 mode is selected in the  
configuration register, the standard and bi-  
directional modes are also available. If no EPP  
Read, Write or Address cycle is currently  
executing, then the PDx bus is in the standard or  
bi-directional mode, and all output signals  
(STROBE, AUTOFD, INIT) are as set by the  
SPP Control Port and direction is controlled by  
PCD of the Control port.  
1. If the EPP bus is not ready (nWAIT is  
active low) when nDATASTB goes active  
then the read can complete when nWAIT  
goes inactive high.  
2. If the EPP bus is ready (nWAIT is inactive  
high) then the chip must wait for it to go  
active low before changing the state of  
WRITE or before nDATASTB goes active.  
The read can complete once nWAIT is  
determined inactive.  
In EPP mode, the system timing is closely  
coupled to the EPP timing. For this reason, a  
watchdog timer is required to prevent system  
lockup. The timer indicates if more than 10usec  
have elapsed from the start of the EPP cycle  
(nIOR or nIOW asserted) to the end of the  
cycle nIOR or nIOW deasserted). If a time-out  
occurs, the current EPP cycle is aborted and the  
time-out condition is indicated in Status bit 0.  
Read Sequence of Operation  
1. The host selects an EPP register and drives  
nIOR active.  
2. The chip drives IOCHRDY inactive (low).  
3. If WAIT is not asserted, the chip must wait  
until WAIT is asserted.  
Software Constraints  
4. The chip tri-states the PData bus and  
deasserts nWRITE.  
Before an EPP cycle is executed, the software  
must ensure that the control register bits D0, D1  
and D3 are set to zero. Also, bit D5 (PCD) is a  
logic "0" for an EPP write or a logic "1" for and  
EPP read.  
5. Chip asserts nDATASTB or nADDRSTRB  
indicating that PData bus is tri-stated, PDIR  
is set and the nWRITE signal is valid.  
6. Peripheral drives PData bus valid.  
7. Peripheral deasserts nWAIT, indicating  
that PData is valid and the chip may  
begin the termination phase of the cycle.  
8. a) The chip latches the data from the  
PData bus for the SData bus,  
EPP 1.7 Write  
The timing for a write operation (address or  
data) is shown in timing diagram EPP 1.7 Write  