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FDC37C669_07 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FDC37C669_07
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内容描述: 98/99 PC兼容的超级I / O软盘控制器,红外支持 [PC 98/99 Compliant Super I/O Floppy Disk Controller with Infrared Support]
分类和应用: 控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 164 页 / 575 K
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The following section describes the operation of  
the registers.  
Bit 1  
This bit enables the Transmitter Holding  
Register Empty Interrupt when set to logic "1".  
Address Offset = 0H, DLAB = 0, READ ONLY  
Bit 2  
This bit enables the Received Line Status  
Interrupt when set to logic "1". The error  
sources causing the interrupt are Overrun,  
Parity, Framing and Break. The Line Status  
Register must be read to determine the source.  
This register holds the received incoming data  
byte. Bit 0 is the least significant bit, which is  
transmitted and received first. Received data is  
double buffered; this uses an additional shift  
register to receive the serial data stream and  
convert it to a parallel 8 bit word which is  
transferred to the Receive Buffer register. The  
shift register is not accessible.  
Bit 3  
This bit enables the MODEM Status Interrupt  
when set to logic "1". This is caused when one  
of the Modem Status Register bits changes  
Address Offset = 0H, DLAB = 0, WRITE ONLY  
Bits 4 through 7  
These bits are always logic "0".  
This register contains the data byte to be  
The transmit buffer is double  
buffered, utilizing an additional shift register (not  
accessible) to convert the 8 bit data word to a  
serial format. This shift register is loaded from  
the Transmit Buffer when the transmission of  
the previous byte is complete.  
Address Offset = 2H, DLAB = X, WRITE  
This is a write only register at the same location  
as the IIR. This register is used to enable and  
clear the FIFOs, set the RCVR FIFO trigger  
level. Note: DMA is not supported.  
Address Offset = 1H, DLAB = 0, READ/WRITE  
Bit 0  
The lower four bits of this register control the  
enables of the five interrupt sources of the Serial  
Port interrupt. It is possible to totally disable the  
interrupt system by resetting bits 0 through 3 of  
this register. Similarly, setting the appropriate  
bits of this register to a high, selected interrupts  
can be enabled. Disabling the interrupt system  
inhibits the Interrupt Identification Register and  
disables any Serial Port interrupt out of the  
FDC37C669. All other system functions operate  
in their normal manner, including the Line  
Status and MODEM Status Registers. The  
contents of the Interrupt Enable Register are  
described below.  
Setting this bit to a logic "1" enables both the  
XMIT and RCVR FIFOs. Clearing this bit to a  
logic "0" disables both the XMIT and RCVR  
FIFOs and clears all bytes from both FIFOs.  
When changing from FIFO Mode to non-FIFO  
(16450) mode, data is automatically cleared  
from the FIFOs. This bit must be a 1 when  
other bits in this register are written to or they  
will not be properly programmed.  
Bit 1  
Setting this bit to a logic "1" clears all bytes in  
the RCVR FIFO and resets its counter logic to 0.  
The shift register is not cleared. This bit is self-  
Bit 0  
This bit enables the Received Data Available  
Interrupt (and timeout interrupts in the FIFO  
mode) when set to logic "1".  