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EMC1403-1-AIZL-TR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EMC1403-1-AIZL-TR
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内容描述: 1°C温度传感器与beta补偿 [1∑C Temperature Sensor with Beta Compensation]
分类和应用: 传感器换能器温度传感器输出元件
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 732 K
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1°C Temperature Sensor with Beta Compensation  
variation will cause large error. For example, a 10% variation in beta for two forced emitter currents  
with a transistor whose ideal beta is 0.5 would contribute approximately 8.25°C error at 100°C.  
The External Diode 2 and External Diode 3 channels do not support Beta Compensation.  
Resistance Error Correction (REC)  
Parasitic resistance in series with the external diodes will limit the accuracy obtainable from  
temperature measurement devices. The voltage developed across this resistance by the switching  
diode currents cause the temperature measurement to read higher than the true temperature.  
Contributors to series resistance are PCB trace resistance, on die (i.e. on the processor) metal  
resistance, bulk resistance in the base and emitter of the temperature transistor. Typically, the error  
caused by series resistance is +0.7°C per ohm. The EMC1403 and EMC1404 automatically correct up  
to 100 ohms of series resistance.  
Programmable External Diode Ideality Factor  
The EMC1403 and EMC1404 is designed for external diodes with an ideality factor of 1.008. Not all  
external diodes, processor or discrete, will have this exact value. This variation of the ideality factor  
introduces error in the temperature measurement which must be corrected for. This correction is  
typically done using programmable offset registers. Since an ideality factor mismatch introduces an  
error that is a function of temperature, this correction is only accurate within a small range of  
temperatures. To provide maximum flexibility to the user, the EMC1403 and EMC1404 provides a 6-  
bit register for each external diode where the ideality factor of the diode used is programmed to  
eliminate errors across all temperatures.  
APPLICATION NOTE: When monitoring a substrate transistor or CPU diode and beta compensation is enabled, the  
Ideality Factor should not be adjusted. Beta Compensation automatically corrects for most  
ideality errors.  
Diode Faults  
The EMC1403 and EMC1404 detect an open on the DP and DN pins, and a short across the DP and  
DN pins. For each temperature measurement made, the device checks for a diode fault on the external  
diode channel(s). When a diode fault is detected, the ALERT pin asserts (unless masked, see  
Section 5.8) and the temperature data reads 00h in the MSB and LSB registers (note: the low limit will  
not be checked). A diode fault is defined as one of the following: an open between DP and DN, a  
short from Vdd to DP, or a short from Vdd to DN.  
If a short occurs across DP and DN or a short occurs from DP to GND, the low limit status bit is set  
and the ALERT pin asserts (unless masked). This condition is indistinguishable from a temperature  
measurement of 0.000degC (-64°C in extended range) resulting in temperature data of 00h in the MSB  
and LSB registers.  
If a short from DN to GND occurs (with a diode connected), temperature measurements will continue  
as normal with no alerts.  
Consecutive Alerts  
The EMC1403 and EMC1404 contain multiple consecutive alert counters. One set of counters applies  
to the ALERT pin and the second set of counters applies to the THERM pin. Each temperature  
measurement channel has a separate consecutive alert counter for each of the ALERT and THERM  
pins. All counters are user programmable and determine the number of consecutive measurements  
that a temperature channel(s) must be out-of-limit or reporting a diode fault before the corresponding  
pin is asserted.  
See Section 6.12 for more details on the consecutive alert function.  
SMSC EMC1403/EMC1404  
Revision 1.16 (03-15-07)  