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EMC1403-1-AIZL-TR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EMC1403-1-AIZL-TR
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内容描述: 1°C温度传感器与beta补偿 [1∑C Temperature Sensor with Beta Compensation]
分类和应用: 传感器换能器温度传感器输出元件
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 732 K
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1°C Temperature Sensor with Beta Compensation  
THERM Output  
The THERM output is asserted independently of the ALERT output and cannot be masked. Whenever  
any of the measured temperatures exceed the user programmed THERM Limit values for the  
programmed number of consecutive measurements, the THERM output is asserted. Once it has been  
asserted, it will remain asserted until all measured temperatures drop below the THERM Limit minus  
the THERM Hysteresis (also programmable).  
When the THERM pin is asserted, the Therm status bits will likewise be set. Reading these bits will  
not clear them until the THERM pin is deasserted. Once the THERM pin is deasserted, the THERM  
status bits will be automatically cleared.  
ALERT Output  
The ALERT pin is an open drain output and requires a pull-up resistor to VDD and has two modes of  
operation: interrupt mode and comparator Mode. The mode of the ALERT output is selected via the  
ALERT / COMP bit in the Configuration Register (see Section 6.4).  
ALERT Pin Interrupt Mode  
When configured to operate in interrupt mode, the ALERT pin asserts low when an out of limit  
measurement (> high limit or < low limit) is detected on any diode or when a diode fault is detected.  
The ALERT pin will remain asserted as long as an out-of-limit condition remains. Once the out-of-limit  
condition has been removed, the ALERT pin will remain asserted until the appropriate status bits are  
The ALERT pin can be masked by setting the MASK bit. Once the ALERT pin has been masked, it  
will be de-asserted and remain de-asserted until the MASK bit is cleared by the user. Any interrupt  
conditions that occur while the ALERT pin is masked will update the Status Register normally.  
The ALERT pin is used as an interrupt signal or as an Smbus Alert signal that allows an SMBus slave  
to communicate an error condition to the master. One or more ALERT outputs can be hard-wired  
ALERT Pin Comparator Mode  
When the ALERT pin is configured to operate in comparator mode it will be asserted if if any of the  
measured temperatures exceeds the respective high limit. The ALERT pin will remain asserted until  
all temperatures drop below the corresponding high limit minus the THERM Hysteresis value.  
When the ALERT pin is asserted in comparator mode, the corresponding high limit status bits will be  
set. Reading these bits will not clear them until the ALERT pin is deasserted. Once the ALERT pin is  
deasserted, the status bits will be automatically cleared.  
The MASK bit will not block the ALERT pin in this mode, however the individual channel masks (see  
Section 6.11) will prevent the respective channel from asserting the ALERT pin.  
Beta Compensation  
The EMC1403 and EMC1404 are configured to monitor the temperature of basic diodes (e.g. 2N3904),  
or CPU thermal diodes. It automatically detects the type of external diode (CPU diode or diode  
connected transistor) and determines the optimal setting to reduce temperature errors introduced by  
beta variation for the External Diode 1 channel only.  
For discrete transistors configured with the collector and base shorted together, the beta is generally  
sufficiently high such that the percent change in beta variation is very small. For example, a 10%  
variation in beta for two forced emitter currents with a transistor whose ideal beta is 50 would contribute  
approximately 0.25°C error at 100°C. However for substrate transistors where the base-emitter junction  
is used for temperature measurement and the collector is tied to the substrate, the proportional beta  
Revision 1.16 (03-15-07)  
SMSC EMC1403/EMC1404  