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COM200221 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: COM200221
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内容描述: 10 Mbps的ARCNET ( ANSI 878.1 )控制器2Kx8片上RAM [10 Mbps ARCNET (ANSI 878.1) Controller with 2Kx8 On-Chip RAM]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 82 页 / 509 K
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10 Mbps ARCNET (ANSI 878.1) Controller with 2Kx8 On-Chip RAM  
The user may then attempt a new ID value, wait 210mS before checking the Duplicate ID bit, and repeat  
the process until a unique Node ID is found. At this point, the TX Enable bit may be set to allow the node  
to join the network. Once the node joins the network, a reconfiguration occurs, as usual, thus setting the  
MYRECON bit of the Diagnostic Status Register.  
The Tentative ID Register may be used to build a network map of all the nodes on the network, even once  
the COM20022I has joined the network. Once a value is placed in the Tentative ID Register, the  
COM20022I looks for a response to a token whose DID matches the Tentative ID Register. The software  
can record this information and continue placing Tentative ID values into the register to continue building  
the network map. A complete network map is only valid until nodes are added to or deleted from the  
network. Note that a node cannot detect the existence of the next logical node on the network when using  
the Tentative ID. To determine the next logical node, the software should read the Next ID Register.  
6.10 Improved Diagnostics  
The COM20022I allows the user to better manage the operation of the network through the use of the  
internal Diagnostic Status Register.  
A high level on the My Reconfiguration (MYRECON) bit indicates that the Token Reception Timer of this  
node expired, causing a reconfiguration by this node. After the Reconfiguration (RECON) bit of the Status  
Register interrupts the microcontroller, the interrupt service routine will typically read the MYRECON bit of  
the Diagnostic Status Register. Reading the Diagnostic Status Register resets the MYRECON bit.  
Successive occurrences of a logic "1" on the MYRECON bit indicates that a problem exists with this node.  
At that point, the transmitter should be disabled so that the entire network is not held down while the node  
is being evaluated.  
The Duplicate ID (DUPID) bit is used before the node joins the network to ensure that another node with  
the same ID does not exist on the network. Once it is determined that the ID in the Node ID Register is  
unique, the software should write a logic "1" to bit 5 of the Configuration Register to enable the basic  
transmit function. This allows the node to join the network.  
The Receive Activity (RCVACT) bit of the Diagnostic Status Register will be set to a logic "1" whenever  
activity (logic "1") is detected on the RXIN pin.  
The Token Seen (TOKEN) bit is set to a logic "1" whenever any token has been seen on the network  
(except those tokens transmitted by this node).  
The RCVACT and TOKEN bits may help the user to troubleshoot the network or the node. If unusual  
events are occurring on the network, the user may find it valuable to use the TXEN bit of the Configuration  
Register to qualify events. Different combinations of the RCVACT, TOKEN, and TXEN bits, as shown  
indicate different situations:  
6.10.1 Normal Results:  
RCVACT=1, TOKEN=1, TXEN=0: The node is not part of the network. The network is operating properly  
without this node.  
RCVACT=1, TOKEN=1, TXEN=1: The node sees receive activity and sees the token. The basic transmit  
function is enabled. Network and node are operating properly.  
MYRECON=0, DUPID=0, RCVACT=1, TXEN=0, TOKEN=1: Single node network.  
Revision 09-27-07  
Page 54  
SMSC COM20022I  