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SII3114CTU 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SII3114CTU
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内容描述: PCI串行ATA控制器 [PCI to Serial ATA Controller]
分类和应用: 外围集成电路控制器PC时钟
文件页数/大小: 127 页 / 559 K
品牌: SILICONIMAGE [ Silicon image ]
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SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller  
Data Sheet  
Silicon Image, Inc.  
High Speed Serial Signals  
Pin Names: RxN[0..3]  
Pin Numbers: 8, 17, 32, 41  
Differential receive negative side.  
Pin Names: RxP[0..3]  
Pin Numbers: 9, 18, 33, 42  
Differential receive positive side.  
Pin Names: TxN[0..3]  
Pin Numbers: 4, 13, 28, 37  
Differential transmit negative side  
Pin Names: TxP[0..3]  
Pin Numbers: 3, 12, 27, 36  
Differential transmit positive side  
Other SerDes Signals  
Pin Name: XTALO  
Pin Number: 21  
Crystal oscillator pin for SerDes reference clock. A 25MHz crystal must be used.  
Pin Name: XTALI/CLKI  
Pin Number: 22  
Crystal oscillator pin for SerDes reference clock. When external clock source is selected, the external clock  
(either 25MHz or 100 MHz) will come in through this pin. The clock must be 1.8V swing and the precision  
requirement is ±100ppm.  
Pin Name: REXT  
Pin Number: 24  
External reference resistor pin for termination calibration. This pin provides the additional function of selecting  
frequency of the clock source. For 25MHz, a 1K, 1% resistor is connected to ground. For 100MHz, a 4.99K, 1%  
resistor is connected to ground.  
© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.  