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BM28723AMUV 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: BM28723AMUV
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内容描述: [BM1050AF是组合了应对高次谐波的功率因数校正(Power Factor Correction)转换器(以下简称PFC部)与DC/DC转换器(以下简称DC/DC部)的复合LSI。DC/DC部采用准谐振方式动作,有助于实现低EMI。BM1050AF内置650V耐压启动电路。PFC部、DC/DC部均外接开关MOSFET及电流检测电阻,可实现自由度高的电源设计。PFC部采用峰值电流控制。利用带AC电压过低补偿电路的乘法器、应对负载变动的电路、最大功率补偿电路等各种保护电路,提供合适的应用方案。此外,内置跳频功能,有助于实现低EMI。DC/DC部的准谐振方式为软开关动作,有助于实现低EMI。内置脉冲串模式,可降低轻负载时的功耗。内置了软启动功能、脉冲串功能、逐周期过电流限制、过电压保护、过负荷保护等各种保护功能。与微控制器间设有通信控制用端子、外部停止端子,可提供适用于各种应用的系统方案。]
分类和应用: 通信开关控制器微控制器软启动脉冲功率因数校正转换器
文件页数/大小: 82 页 / 5460 K
品牌: ROHM [ ROHM ]
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Precaution on using ROHM Products  
1. Our Products are designed and manufactured for application in ordinary electronic equipment (such as AV equipment,  
OA equipment, telecommunication equipment, home electronic appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). If you  
intend to use our Products in devices requiring extremely high reliability (such as medical equipment (Note 1), transport  
equipment, traffic equipment, aircraft/spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel controllers, car equipment including car  
accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or failure may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or  
serious damage to property (Specific Applications), please consult with the ROHM sales representative in advance.  
Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ROHM in advance, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any  
damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any ROHMs Products for Specific  
(Note1) Medical Equipment Classification of the Specific Applications  
2. ROHM designs and manufactures its Products subject to strict quality control system. However, semiconductor  
products can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. Please be sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate  
safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe design against the physical injury, damage to any property, which  
a failure or malfunction of our Products may cause. The following are examples of safety measures:  
[a] Installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety  
[b] Installation of redundant circuits to reduce the impact of single or multiple circuit failure  
3. Our Products are designed and manufactured for use under standard conditions and not under any special or  
extraordinary environments or conditions, as exemplified below. Accordingly, ROHM shall not be in any way  
responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products under any  
special or extraordinary environments or conditions. If you intend to use our Products under any special or  
extraordinary environments or conditions (as exemplified below), your independent verification and confirmation of  
product performance, reliability, etc, prior to use, must be necessary:  
[a] Use of our Products in any types of liquid, including water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents  
[b] Use of our Products outdoors or in places where the Products are exposed to direct sunlight or dust  
[c] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to sea wind or corrosive gases, including Cl2,  
H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2  
[d] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves  
[e] Use of our Products in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items  
[f] Sealing or coating our Products with resin or other coating materials  
[g] Use of our Products without cleaning residue of flux (even if you use no-clean type fluxes, cleaning residue of  
flux is recommended); or Washing our Products by using water or water-soluble cleaning agents for cleaning  
residue after soldering  
[h] Use of the Products in places subject to dew condensation  
4. The Products are not subject to radiation-proof design.  
5. Please verify and confirm characteristics of the final or mounted products in using the Products.  
6. In particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short period of time, such as pulse. is applied,  
confirmation of performance characteristics after on-board mounting is strongly recommended. Avoid applying power  
exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state loading condition may negatively affect  
product performance and reliability.  
7. De-rate Power Dissipation depending on ambient temperature. When used in sealed area, confirm that it is the use in  
the range that does not exceed the maximum junction temperature.  
8. Confirm that operation temperature is within the specified range described in the product specification.  
9. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure induced under deviant condition from what is defined in  
this document.  
Precaution for Mounting / Circuit board design  
1. When a highly active halogenous (chlorine, bromine, etc.) flux is used, the residue of flux may negatively affect product  
performance and reliability.  
2. In principle, the reflow soldering method must be used on a surface-mount products, the flow soldering method must  
be used on a through hole mount products. If the flow soldering method is preferred on a surface-mount products,  
please consult with the ROHM representative in advance.  
For details, please refer to ROHM Mounting specification  
© 2015 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.  