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7906 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 7906
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分类和应用: 计算机
文件页数/大小: 531 页 / 3056 K
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[Precautions for flash memory CPU reprogramming mode]  
[Precautions for flash memory CPU reprogramming mode]  
1. In the flash memory CPU reprogramming mode, an opcode cannot be fetched for the internal flash memory.  
Accordingly, be sure to transfer the reprogramming control software to an area other than the internal flash memory  
area, and then execute the software in this area. (See Figure 19.2.2.)  
Also, take consideration for instruction description (such as specified addresses, addressing modes) in the repro-  
gramming control software since this software is to be executed in an area other than the internal flash memory  
2. In order to prevent any interrupt occurrence during the flash memory CPU reprogramming mode, before selecting  
this mode, be sure to set the interrupt disable flag (I) to 1or set the interrupt priority level to 000 (interrupts  
disabled). Also, we recommend to connect pin P6OUTCUT with VCC via a resistor.  
Even in the flash memory CPU reprogramming mode, periodically writing to the watchdog timer is required.  
Also, an interrupt, hardware reset, or software reset, generated in the CPU reprogramming mode, makes program  
runaway. If a program runaway has occurred, be sure to push the microcomputer into the power-on reset state.  
3. Commands and data must be read from and written into even-numbered addresses in the user ROM area, 16 bits  
at a time.  
4. Be sure not to execute the STP instruction in the CPU reprogramming mode.  
5. In order to reset the internal flash memory control circuit by using the flash memory reset bit (bit 3 at address 9E16),  
be sure to confirm the RY/BY status bit (bit 0 at address 9E16) becomes 1after writing of 1to this bit; and then,  
write 0to the flash memory reset bit.  
6. Addresses FF9016 to FF9F16 (the user ROM area) are reserved for serial and parallel programmers. Be sure not to  
use this area.  
7906 Group Users Manual Rev.2.0  