[Precautions for watchdog timer]
[Precautions for watchdog timer]
1. When dummy data has been written to address 6016 with the 16-bit data length, writing to address 6116
is simultaneously performed. Accordingly, when the user does not want to change the contents of the
watchdog timer frequency select bit (bit 0 at address 6116) and watchdog timer clock source select bits
at STP termination (bits 6, 7 at address 6116), be sure to write again the values which are currently set
in these bits, simultaneously with writing to address 6016
2. When the STP instruction is executed, the watchdog timer stops its operation. If the STP instruction’s
code (3116, 3016) has accidentally been executed owing to a program runaway, the watchdog timer stops
its operation. Therefore, in the system where the watchdog timer is used to detect a program runaway,
we recommend that the STP instruction invalidity select bit (bit 0 at address 6216) = “1.” (STP instruction
is invalid.) Refer to section “15.3 Stop mode.”
7906 Group User’s Manual Rev.2.0