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7906 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 7906
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文件页数/大小: 531 页 / 3056 K
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7.6 Pulse width modulation (PWM) mode  
7.6.3 Operation in PWM mode  
When the PWM mode is selected with the operating mode select bits, the TAjOUT pin outputs Llevel.  
When a trigger is generated, the counter (pulse width modulator) starts counting and the TAjOUT pin  
outputs a PWM pulse (Notes 1 and 2).  
The timer Aj interrupt request bit is set to 1each time the PWM pulse level goes from Hto L.”  
The interrupt request bit remains set to 1until the interrupt request is accepted or until the interrupt  
request bit is cleared to 0by software.  
Each time a PWM pulse has been output for one period, the reload registers contents are reloaded and  
the counter continues counting.  
The following explains operations of the pulse width modulator.  
(1) 16-bit pulse width modulator  
When the 16/8-bit PWM mode select bit is cleared to 0,the counter operates as a 16-bit pulse width  
modulator. Figures 7.6.4 and 7.6.5 show operation examples of the 16-bit pulse width modulator.  
(2) 8-bit pulse width modulator  
When the 16/8-bit PWM mode select bit is set to 1,the counter is divided into 8-bit halves. Then,  
the high-order 8 bits operate as an 8-bit pulse width modulator, and the low-order 8 bits operate as  
an 8-bit prescaler. Figures 7.6.6 and 7.6.7 show operation examples of the 8-bit pulse width modulator.  
Notes 1: If a value 000016is set into the timer Aj register when the counter operates as a 16-bit  
pulse width modulator, the pulse width modulator does not operate and the output from the  
TAjOUT pin remains Llevel. The timer Aj interrupt request does not occur. Similarly, if a  
value 0016is set into the high-order 8 bits of the timer Aj register when the counter  
operates as an 8-bit pulse width modulator, the same is performed.  
2: When the counter operates as an 8-bit pulse width modulator, after a trigger is generated,  
the TAjOUT pin outputs Llevel for a period of (1 / fi) (m + 1) (n + 1). After that, the  
PWM pulse output will start.  
7906 Group Users Manual Rev.2.0  