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FM32L274-G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FM32L274-G
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内容描述: 3V集成处理器伴侣与记忆 [3V Integrated Processor Companion with Memory]
文件页数/大小: 21 页 / 275 K
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FM32L278/L276/L274/L272 - 3V I2C Companion  
Serial Number  
The voltage on the PFI input pin is compared to an  
onboard 1.2V reference. When the PFI input voltage  
drops below this threshold, the comparator will drive  
the PFO pin to a low state. The comparator has 100  
mV (max) of hysteresis to reduce noise sensitivity,  
only for a rising PFI signal. For a falling PFI edge,  
there is no hysteresis.  
A memory location to write a 64-bit serial number is  
provided. It is a writeable nonvolatile memory block  
that can be locked by the user once the serial number  
is set. The 8 bytes of data and the lock bit are all  
accessed via the device ID for the processor  
companion. Therefore the serial number area is  
separate and distinct from the memory array. The  
serial number registers can be written an unlimited  
number of times, so these locations are general  
purpose memory. However once the lock bit is set the  
values cannot be altered and the lock cannot be  
removed. Once locked the serial number registers can  
still be read by the system.  
The comparator is a general purpose device and its  
application is not limited to the NMI function.  
Note: The maximum voltage on the comparator input PFI  
is limited to 3.75V under normal operating conditions.  
Event Counter  
The serial number is located in registers 11h to 18h.  
The lock bit is SNL, register 0Bh bit 7. Setting the  
SNL bit to a 1 disables writes to the serial number  
registers, and the SNL bit cannot be cleared.  
The FM32L27x offers the user two battery-backed  
event counters. Input pins CNT1 and CNT2 are  
programmable edge detectors. Each clocks a 16-bit  
counter. When an edge occurs, the counters will  
increment their respective registers. Counter 1 is  
located in registers 0Dh and 0Eh, Counter 2 is  
located in registers 0Fh and 10h. These register  
values can be read anytime VDD is above VTP, and  
they will be incremented as long as a valid VBAK  
power source is provided. To read, set the RC bit  
register 0Ch bit 3 to 1. This takes a snapshot of all  
four counter bytes allowing a stable value even if a  
count occurs during the read. The registers can be  
written by software allowing the counters to be  
cleared or initialized by the system. Counts are  
blocked during a write operation. The two counters  
can be cascaded to create a single 32-bit counter by  
setting the CC control bit (register 0Ch). When  
cascaded, the CNT1 input will cause the counter to  
increment. CNT2 is not used in this mode.  
Backup Power  
The event counter and battery-backed registers may  
be powered with a backup power source. When the  
primary system power fails, the voltage on the VDD  
pin will drop. When VDD is less than 2.5V, the event  
counters and battery-backed registers will switch to  
the backup power supply on VBAK  
A battery may be inserted into a system board  
without any concern for excessive current draw on  
the FM32L27x’s VBAK pin.  
Trickle Charger  
To facilitate capacitor backup the VBAK pin can  
optionally provide a trickle charge current. When the  
VBC bit, register 0Bh bit 2, is set to ‘1’, the VBAK pin  
will source approximately 80 µA until VBAK reaches  
16-bit Counter  
DD. This charges the capacitor to VDD without an  
external diode and resistor charger. There is a Fast  
Charge mode which is enabled by the FC bit (register  
0Bh, bit 5). In this mode the trickle charger current is  
set to approximately 1 mA, allowing a large backup  
capacitor to charge more quickly.  
16-bit Counter  
In the case where no backup supply is used, the VBAK  
pin should be tied to VSS. Be sure to turn off the  
trickle charger (VBC=0), otherwise charger current  
Figure 6. Event Counter  
will be shunted to ground from VDD  
The control bits for event counting are located in  
register 0Ch. Counter 1 Polarity is bit C1P, bit 0;  
Counter 2 Polarity is C2P, bit 1; the Cascade Control  
is CC, bit 2; and the Read Counter bit is RC bit 3.  
! Note: systems using lithium batteries should clear  
the VBC bit to 0 to prevent battery charging. The  
VBAK circuitry includes an internal 1 Kseries  
resistor as a safety element. The trickle charger is UL  
The polarity bits must be set prior to setting the  
counter value(s). If a polarity bit is changed, the  
counter may inadvertently increment. If the counter  
pins are not being used, tie them to ground.  
Rev. 3.0  
Feb. 2009  
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