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QT60326-AS-G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: QT60326-AS-G
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内容描述: 32和48个重点QMATRIX集成电路 [32 & 48 KEY QMATRIX ICs]
文件页数/大小: 32 页 / 881 K
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QmBtn software for the PC can be used to program the  
operation of the IC as well as read back key status and signal  
levels in real time.  
1 Overview  
QMatrix devices are digital burst mode charge-transfer (QT)  
sensors designed specifically for matrix geometry touch  
controls; they include all signal processing functions necessary  
to provide stable sensing under a wide variety of changing  
conditions. Only a few external parts are required for operation.  
The entire circuit can be built within a few square centimeters of  
single-sided PCB area. CEM-1 and FR1 punched, single-sided  
materials can be used for possible lowest cost. The PCB’s rear  
can be mounted flush on the back of a glass or plastic panel  
using a conventional adhesive, such as 3M VHB 2-sided  
adhesive acrylic film.  
The parts are electrically identical with the exception of the  
number of keys which may be sensed.  
1.1 Part differences  
Versions of the device are capable of a maximum of 32 or 48  
keys (QT60326, QT60486 respectively).  
These devices are identical in all respects, except that each is  
capable of only the number of keys specified. These keys can  
be located anywhere within the electrical grid of 8 X and 6 Y  
scan lines.  
QMatrix parts employ transverse charge-transfer ('QT') sensing,  
a technology that senses changes in electrical charge forced  
across an electrode by a pulse edge (Figure 1-1).  
Unused keys are always pared from the burst sequence in  
order to optimize speed. Similarly, in a given part a lesser  
number of enabled keys will cause any unused acquisition burst  
timeslots to be pared from the sampling sequence to optimize  
acquire speed. Thus, if only 40 keys are actually enabled, only  
40 timeslots are used for scanning.  
Figure 1-1 Field flow between X and Y elements  
overlying panel  
1.2 Enabling / Disabling Keys  
The NDIL parameter is used to enable and disable keys in the  
matrix. Setting NDIL = 0 for a key disables it (Section 5.4). At  
no time can the number of enabled keys exceed the maximum  
specified for the device in the case of the QT60326.  
On the QT60326, only the first 4 Y lines (Y0..Y3) are  
operational by default. On the QT60326, to use keys located on  
lines Y4 and Y5, one or more of the pre-enabled keys must be  
disabled simultaneously while enabling the desired new keys.  
This can be done in one Setups block load operation.  
QMatrix devices allow for a wide range of key sizes and shapes  
to be mixed together in a single touch panel. The approximate  
design rules for these keys can be seen in Figure 2-6.  
2 Hardware & Functional  
The actual internal pattern style is not as important as is the  
need to achieve regular X and Y widths and spacings of  
sufficient size to cover the desired graphical key area or a little  
bit more; 2mm overhand is acceptable in most cases, since the  
fields drop off near the edges anyway. The overall key size can  
range from 10mm x 10mm up to 100mm x 100mm. The keys  
can be any shape including round, rectangular, square, etc.  
The internal pattern can be as simple as a single bar of Y or as  
complex as the interleaved structure shown in Figure 2-6.  
2.1 Matrix Scan Sequence  
The circuit operates by scanning each key sequentially, key by  
key. Key scanning begins with location X=0 / Y=0 (key #0). X  
axis keys are known as rows while Y axis keys are referred to  
as columns. Keys are scanned sequentially by row, for example  
the sequence X0Y0 X1Y0 .... X7Y0, X0Y1, X1Y1... etc. Keys are  
also numbered from 0..47. Key 0 is located at X0Y0. A table of  
key numbering is located on page 25.  
Each key is sampled in a burst of acquisition pulses whose  
length is determined by the Setups parameter BL (page 22),  
which can be set on a per-key basis. A burst is completed  
entirely before the next key is sampled; at the end of each burst  
the resulting signal is converted to digital form and processed.  
The burst length directly impacts key gain; each key can have a  
unique burst length in order to allow tailoring of key sensitivity  
on a key by key basis.  
For better surface moisture suppression, the outer perimeter of  
X should be as wide as possible, and there should be no  
ground planes near the keys. The variable ‘T’ in this drawing  
represents the total thickness of all materials that the keys must  
A picture of an actual board made using similar key geometries  
is shown on page 30.  
The devices use both UART and SPI interfaces to allow key  
data to be extracted and to permit individual key parameter  
setup. The interface protocol uses simple single byte  
commands and responds with single byte responses in most  
cases. The command structure is designed to minimize the  
amount of data traffic while maximizing the amount of  
information conveyed.  
2.2 Burst Paring  
Keys that are disabled by setting NDIL =0 (page 21) have their  
bursts pared from the scan sequence to save time. This has the  
consequence of affecting the scan rate of the entire matrix as  
well as the time required for initial matrix calibration. It does not  
affect the time required to calibrate an individual key once the  
matrix is initially calibrated after power-up or reset.  
In addition to normal operating and setup functions the device  
can also report back actual signal strengths and error codes.  
QT60486-AS R8.01/0105  