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PM7325-TC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM7325-TC
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内容描述: S / UNI - ATLAS -3200电信标准产品数据表初步 [S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Preliminary]
分类和应用: ATM集成电路SONET集成电路SDH集成电路电信电路异步传输模式
文件页数/大小: 432 页 / 2222 K
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S/UNI®-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet  
The Output interface supports a 32-bit 104 MHz UTOPIA Level 3 Link Layer (Master)  
interface using Multi-PHY addressing with user-programmable weighted polling for up to  
48 PHY queues on a single physical port. Extended ATM cell lengths of 52 to 64 bytes  
are supported, with optional HEC/UDF, prepend, and postpend words. Mapping of  
logical PHYs to physical PHYs is supported, to facilitate Automated Protection  
Alternately, the Input Interface supports a 32-bit 104 MHz POS-PHY Level 3 Tx PHY  
Layer interface, capable of handling a mix of packets and ATM cells. Each of 48 PHY  
queues on a single physical port must be set up to carry either packets or cells. Cells are  
processed by S/UNI-ATLAS-3200, but packets are not processed and are buffered and  
passed through transparently. In this case, the Output interface supports a 32-bit 104  
MHz POS-PHY Tx Link Layer interface.  
Is compatible with a wide range of switching fabrics and traffic management architectures  
including per-VC or per-PHY queuing.  
Contains a highly-flexible CAM-type cell and connection identification, which can use  
arbitrary PHYID/VPI/VCI values and/or cell appended bytes for connection identification in  
both directions. 34-bits of discrimination allows the entire PHYID/VPI/VCI address range to  
be resolved.  
Includes header translation functions, permitting the translation of the VPI, VCI, and/or cell  
appended bytes. Information about the cell and connection type can be included in appended  
bytes in order to aid downstream processing.  
Provides comprehensive cell processing functionality, which includes a highly flexible search  
engine that covers the entire PHYID/VPI/VCI address range, programmable dual leaky  
bucket UPC/NPC, per-connection CLP0 and CLP1 cell counts (programmable), OAM-PM  
termination, generation and monitoring, OAM-FM termination, generation and alarm  
generation (monitoring), and OAM-LB address matching, termination, and loopback.  
Provides a Count Rollover FIFO greatly, which reduces the need to poll internal counts.  
Provides available AAL5 Frame counting via the policing counts.  
Provides per-PHY output buffering, which resolves head-of-line blocking issues.  
Provides a UPC/NPC function, which is a programmable dual leaky bucket policing device  
with a programmable action (tag, discard, or count only) for each bucket. A total of 3  
programmable 16-bit non-compliant cell counts are provided. The non-compliant cell counts  
may be programmed to count, for example, dropped CLP0 cells, dropped CLP1 cells, and  
tagged CLP0 cells. The UPC/NPC function also has a continuously violating mode, where a  
programmable action is taken on all cells regardless of their compliance.  
Provides guaranteed Frame Rate policing, including AAL5 partial packet discard, so that the  
remainder of an AAL5 packet can be discarded if a single cell in the packet is discarded as a  
result of violating policing. AAL5 packets may also be completely tagged or discarded as  
appropriate. GFR policing is selectable on a per-connection basis.  
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use  
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4  