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PM73121-RI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PM73121-RI
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内容描述: AAL1分段重组处理器 [AAL1 Segmentation And Reassembly Processor]
分类和应用: ATM集成电路SONET集成电路SDH集成电路电信集成电路电信电路异步传输模式
文件页数/大小: 223 页 / 2148 K
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PM73121AAL1gator II  
Data Sheet  
PMC-Sierra, Inc.  
AAL1 SAR Processor  
Figure 46 shows the state machine that checks for valid pointers and structures.  
No pointer  
Non-dummy pointer  
Underrun or  
found and parity  
good (or not  
Pointer does not  
checking parity)  
match prediction or  
underrun or  
force-underrun (or  
checking parity and  
Pointer Found  
Underrun or  
Pointer does not  
match prediction  
(or parity bad and  
checking parity) or  
out-of-sequence or  
invalid cell received  
Pointer matches  
prediction and parity  
good (or not  
Structure Found  
checking parity)  
One Mismatch  
(Signaling is not  
Pointer matches prediction  
and parity good (or not  
checking parity)  
Figure 46. Pointer/Structure State Machine  
3.6.4 Overrun  
Overrun occurs when the data in the buffer is removed at a slower rate than it is filled. However,  
because the AAL1gator II buffers are quite large, 16 kBytes per line, by the time this happens, all  
data in the buffer can be quite old. Therefore, the buffer size is adjustable, which regulates how  
much data can be stored in the buffer before an overrun occurs. The R_MAX_BUF field in the R_  
MAX_BUF register controls the maximum size of the receive buffer. The value of R_MAX_BUF  
should be equal to or greater than two times CDVT, or two times the number of frames required  
per cell, whichever is greater.  
The overrun condition is declared when the data in the receive buffer exceeds the maximum spec-  
ified buffer size (refer to “R_MAX_BUF Word Format” on page 157). When a cell is received  
that causes the maximum buffer depth to be exceeded, the OVERRUN sticky bit is set and the  
AAL1gator II enters the forced underrun condition. The incoming cells for the queue are dropped  
until underrun occurs. Each time a cell is received and dropped in the forced underrun condition,  