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COP8AME9EMW8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 8位CMOS闪存微控制器,具有8K内存,双通道运算放大器,虚拟EEROM ,温度传感器, 10位A / D和掉电复位 [8-Bit CMOS Flash Microcontroller with 8k Memory, Dual Op Amps, Virtual EEROM, Temperature Sensor,10-Bit A/D and Brownout Reset]
分类和应用: 闪存传感器温度传感器微控制器和处理器外围集成电路运算放大器光电二极管时钟
文件页数/大小: 83 页 / 908 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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19.0 WATCHDOG/Clock Monitor  
The device can detect various illegal conditions resulting  
from coding errors, transient noise, power supply voltage  
drops, runaway programs, etc.  
Following RESET, the WATCHDOG and CLOCK MONI-  
TOR are both enabled, with the WATCHDOG having the  
maximum service window selected.  
Reading of unprogrammed ROM gets zeros. The opcode for  
software interrupt is 00. If the program fetches instructions  
from unprogrammed ROM, this will force a software inter-  
rupt, thus signaling that an illegal condition has occurred.  
The WATCHDOG service window and CLOCK MONI-  
TOR enable/disable option can only be changed once,  
during the initial WATCHDOG service following RESET.  
The subroutine stack grows down for each call (jump to  
subroutine), interrupt, or PUSH, and grows up for each  
return or POP. The stack pointer is initialized to RAM location  
06F Hex during reset. Consequently, if there are more re-  
turns than calls, the stack pointer will point to addresses 070  
and 071 Hex (which are undefined RAM). Undefined RAM  
from addresses 070 to 07F (Segment 0), and all other seg-  
ments (i.e., Segments 4... etc.) is read as all 1’s, which in  
turn will cause the program to return to address 7FFF Hex.  
The Option Register is located at this location and, when  
accessed by an instruction fetch, will respond with an INTR  
instruction (all 0’s) to generate a software interrupt, signalling  
an illegal condition on overpop of the stack.  
The initial WATCHDOG service must match the key data  
value in the WATCHDOG Service register WDSVR in  
order to avoid a WATCHDOG error.  
Subsequent WATCHDOG services must match all three  
data fields in WDSVR in order to avoid WATCHDOG  
The correct key data value cannot be read from the  
WATCHDOG Service register WDSVR. Any attempt to  
read this key data value of 01100 from WDSVR will read  
as key data value of all 0’s.  
The WATCHDOG detector circuit is inhibited during both  
the HALT and IDLE modes.  
Thus, the chip can detect the following illegal conditions:  
1. Executing from undefined Program Memory  
The CLOCK MONITOR detector circuit is active during  
both the HALT and IDLE modes. Consequently, the de-  
vice inadvertently entering the HALT mode will be de-  
tected as a CLOCK MONITOR error (provided that the  
CLOCK MONITOR enable option has been selected by  
the program). Likewise, a device with WATCHDOG en-  
abled in the Option but with the WATCHDOG output not  
connected to RESET, will draw excessive HALT current if  
placed in the HALT mode. The clock Monitor will pull the  
WATCHDOG output low and sink current through the  
on-chip pull-up resistor.  
2. Over “POP”ing the stack by having more returns than  
When the software interrupt occurs, the user can re-initialize  
the stack pointer and do a recovery procedure before restart-  
ing (this recovery program is probably similar to that follow-  
ing reset, but might not contain the same program initializa-  
tion procedures). The recovery program should reset the  
software interrupt pending bit using the RPND instruction.  
The WATCHDOG service window will be set to its se-  
lected value from WDSVR following HALT. Consequently,  
the WATCHDOG should not be serviced for at least 2048  
Idle Timer clocks following HALT, but must be serviced  
within the selected window to avoid a WATCHDOG error.  
MICROWIRE/PLUS is a serial SPI compatible synchronous  
communications interface. The MICROWIRE/PLUS capabil-  
ity enables the device to interface with MICROWIRE/PLUS  
or SPI peripherals (i.e. A/D converters, display drivers,  
EEPROMs etc.) and with other microcontrollers which sup-  
port the MICROWIRE/PLUS or SPI interface. It consists of  
an 8-bit serial shift register (SIO) with serial data input (SI),  
serial data output (SO) and serial shift clock (SK). Figure 34  
shows a block diagram of the MICROWIRE/PLUS logic.  
The IDLE timer T0 is not initialized with external RESET.  
The user can sync in to the IDLE counter cycle with an  
IDLE counter (T0) interrupt or by monitoring the T0PND  
flag. The T0PND flag is set whenever the selected bit of  
the IDLE counter toggles (every 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64k Idle  
Timer clocks). The user is responsible for resetting the  
T0PND flag.  
The shift clock can be selected from either an internal source  
or an external source. Operating the MICROWIRE/PLUS  
arrangement with the internal clock source is called the  
Master mode of operation. Similarly, operating the  
MICROWIRE/PLUS arrangement with an external shift clock  
is called the Slave mode of operation.  
A hardware WATCHDOG service occurs just as the de-  
vice exits the IDLE mode. Consequently, the  
WATCHDOG should not be serviced for at least 2048 Idle  
Timer clocks following IDLE, but must be serviced within  
the selected window to avoid a WATCHDOG error.  
The CNTRL register is used to configure and control the  
the MSEL bit in the CNTRL register is set to one. In the  
master mode, the SK clock rate is selected by the two bits,  
SL0 and SL1, in the CNTRL register. Table 37 details the  
different clock rates that may be selected.  
Following RESET, the initial WATCHDOG service (where  
the service window and the CLOCK MONITOR enable/  
disable must be selected) may be programmed any-  
where within the maximum service window (65,536 in-  
struction cycles) initialized by RESET. Note that this initial  
WATCHDOG service may be programmed within the ini-  
tial 2048 instruction cycles without causing  
WATCHDOG error.  
Master Mode Clock Select  
When using any of the ISP functions in Boot ROM, the  
ISP routines will service the WATCHDOG within the se-  
lected upper window. Upon return to flash memory, the  
WATCHDOG is serviced, the lower window is enabled,  
and the user can service the WATCHDOG anytime fol-  
lowing exit from Boot ROM, but must service it within the  
selected upper window to avoid a WATCHDOG error.  
SK Period  
2 x tC  
4 x tC  
8 x tC  
Where t is the instruction cycle clock  