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MT9074AL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MT9074AL
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内容描述: T1 / E1 / J1单芯片收发器 [T1/E1/J1 Single Chip Transceiver]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 122 页 / 371 K
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Advance Information  
PRBS counter overflow (PRBSO) interrupt (page 1,  
address 1DH) is associated with this counter.  
Clear Channel Capability  
In T1 mode when bit zero (CC) in the per time slot  
control word is set no bit robbing for the purpose of  
signalling will occur in this channel. This bit is not  
used in E1 mode.  
CRC Multiframe Counter for PRBS (PSM7-0)  
This eight bit counter counts receive CRC-4  
multiframes. It can be directly loaded via the  
microport. The counter will also be automatically  
cleared in the event that the PRBS error counter is  
written to by the microport. This counter is located on  
page 04H, address 11H.  
Microport Signalling  
When bit one (RPSIG) is set, the transmit signalling for  
the addressed channel can only be programmed by  
writing to the transmit signalling page (pages 5H and  
6H) via the microport. If zero, the transmit signalling  
information is constantly updated with the information  
from the equivalent channel on CSTi.  
Error Insertion  
In T1 mode MT9074 has six types of error conditions  
can be inserted into the transmit DS1 data stream  
through control bits, which are located on page 1,  
address 19H - Error Insertion Word. These error  
events include the bipolar violation errors (BPVE),  
CRC-6 errors (CRCE), Ft errors (FTE), Fs errors  
(FSE), payload (PERR) and a loss of signal condition  
(LOSE). The LOSE function overrides the B8ZS  
encoding function.  
Per Time Slot Looping  
Any channel or combination of channels may be  
looped from transmit (sourced from DSTi) to receive  
(output on DSTo) STBUS channels. When bit four  
(LTSL) in the Per Time Slot Control Word is set the  
data from the equivalent transmit timeslot is looped  
back onto the equivalent receive channel.  
In E1 mode MT9074 has six types of error conditions  
can be inserted into the transmit PCM 30 data  
stream through control bits, which are located on  
page 01H, address 19H. These error events include  
the bipolar violation errors (BPVE), CRC-4 errors  
(CRCE), FAS errors (FASE), NFAS errors (NFSE),  
payload (PERR) and a loss of signal error (LOSE).  
The LOSE function overrides the HDB3 encoding  
Any channel or combination of channels may be  
looped from receive (sourced from the line data) to  
transmit (output onto the line) channels. When bit  
five (RTSL) in the Per Time Slot Control Word is set  
the data from the equivalent receive timeslot is  
looped back onto the equivalent transmit channel.  
PRBS Testing  
Per Time Slot Control Words  
If the control bit ADSEQ is zero (from master control  
page 1 - access control word), any channel or  
combination of transmit channels may be  
programmed to contain a generated pseudo random  
bit sequence (2 -1). The channels are selected by  
setting bit three (TTST), in the per time slot control  
There are two per time slot control pages (addresses  
AH and BH) (T1/E1) occupying a total of 24 unique  
addresses in T1 mode or a total of 32 unique  
addresses in E1 mode. Each address controls a  
matching timeslot on the 24 DS1 channels (T1) or 32  
PCM-30 channels (E1) and the equivalent channel  
data on the receive (DSTo) data. For example  
address 0 of the first per time slot control page  
contains program control for transmit timeslot 0 and  
DSTo channel 0.  
If the control bit ADSEQ is zero, any combination of  
receive channels may be connected to the PRBS  
decoder (2 -1). Each error in the incoming  
sequence causes the PRBS error counter to  
increment. The receive channels are selected by  
setting bit 2 (RRST) in the per time slot control word.  
Per Time Slot Control Word  
Bit 7  
Bit 0  
If PRBS is performed during a metallic or external  
looparound, per time slot control words with TTST  
set should have RRST set as well.  
T1 Mode  
E1 Mode  