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MT9074AL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MT9074AL
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内容描述: T1 / E1 / J1单芯片收发器 [T1/E1/J1 Single Chip Transceiver]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 122 页 / 371 K
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Advance Information  
Fs bits are checked (FSI set high). If the D4  
secondary yellow alarm is enabled (control bit 1 -  
D4SECY of Transmit Alarm Control Word page 1H,  
address 11H) then the Fs bit of frame 12 is not  
verified for the loss of frame circuit.  
multiplexing on the CSTo control stream, an  
additional control bit CSToEn (Signalling Control  
Word, page 01H, address 14H) will tristate the whole  
stream when set low. This control bit is forced low  
with the reset pin. In the case of D4 trunks, only AB  
bits are reported. The control bits SM1-0 allow the  
user to program the 2 unused bits reported on CSTo  
in the signalling nibble otherwise occupied by CD  
signalling bits in ESF trunks.  
In E1 or T1 mode, receive transparent mode  
(selected when bit 3 page 1 address 12H is high) no  
reframing is forced by the device.  
A receive signaling bit debounce of 6 msec. can be  
selected (DBEn set high - Signalling Control Word,  
page 01H, address 14H). It should be noted that  
there may be as much as 3 msec. added to this  
duration because signaling equipment state changes  
are not synchronous with the D4 or ESF multiframe.  
The user may initiate a software reframe at any time  
by setting bit 1, page 1, address 10H high (ReFR).  
Once the circuit has commenced reframing the  
signalling bits are frozen until multiframe  
synchronization has been achieved.  
MT9074 Channel Signaling  
If multi - frame synchronization is lost (page 3H,  
address 10H, bit 6 MFSYNC = 1) all receive  
signalling bits are frozen. They will become unfrozen  
when multi - frame synchronization is acquired (this  
is the same as terminal frame synchronization for  
ESF links).  
Channel Signaling in T1 mode  
In T1 mode,when control bit RBEn (page 1H,  
address 14H) is low the MT9074 will insert ABCD or  
AB signaling bits into bit 8 of every transmit DS0  
channel every 6th frame. The AB or ABCD signaling  
bits from received frames 6 and 12 (AB) or from  
frames 6, 12, 18 and 24 (ABCD) will be loaded into  
an internal storage ram. The transmit AB/ ABCD  
signaling nibbles can be passed either via the micro-  
ports (for channels with bit 1 set high in the Per Time  
Slot Control Word - pages 7H and 8H) or through  
related channels of the CSTi serial links, see “Table  
6 - STBUS vs. DS1 to Channel Relationship(T1)” on  
page 14. The receive signaling bits are always  
mapped to the equivalent ST-BUS channels on  
CSTo. Memory pages five and six contain the  
transmit AB or ABCD nibbles and pages eight and  
nine the receive AB or ABCD nibbles for micro-port  
CAS access.  
When the SIGI interrupt is unmasked, IRQ will  
become active when a signalling state change is  
detected in any of the 24 receive channels. The SIGI  
interrupt mask is located on page 1, address 1EH, bit  
0 (set high to enable interrupt); and the SIGI interrupt  
vector (page 4, address 12H) is 01H.  
Channel Signaling in E1 mode  
In E1 mode,when control bit TxCCS is set to one, the  
MT9074 is in Common Channel Signalling (CCS)  
mode. When TxCCS is low it is in Channel  
Associated Signalling mode (CAS). The CAS mode  
ABCD signalling nibbles can be passed either via the  
micro-ports (when RPSIG = 1) or through related  
channels of the CSTo and CSTi serial links (when  
RPSIG = 0). Memory page 09H and 0AH contains  
the receive ABCD nibbles and page 05H and 06H  
the transmit ABCD nibbles for micro-port CAS  
The serial control streams that contain the transmit /  
receive signaling information (CSTi and CSTo  
respectively) are clocked at 2.048 Mhz. The number  
of signaling bits to be transmit / received = 24  
(timeslots) x 4 bits per timeslot (ABCD) = 24 nibbles.  
This leaves many unused nibble positions in the  
2.048 Mhz CSTi / CSTo bandwidth. These unused  
nibble locations are tristated. The usage of the bit  
stream is as follows: the signaling bits are inserted /  
reported in the same CSTi / CSTo channels that  
correspond to the DS1 channels used in DSTi / DSTo  
- see Table , “Table 6 - STBUS vs. DS1 to Channel  
Relationship(T1),on page 14. The control bit MSN  
(Signalling Control Word, page 01H, address 14H)  
allows for the ABCD bit to use the most significant  
nibble of CSTi / CSTo (MSN set high) or the least  
significant nibble (MSN set low). Unused nibbles and  
timeslots are tristate. In order to facilitate  
In CAS operation an ABCD signalling bit debounce  
of 14 msec. can be selected by writing a one to  
DBNCE control bit. This is consistent with the  
signalling recognition time of ITU-T Q.422. It should  
be noted that there may be as much as 2 msec.  
added to this duration because signalling equipment  
state changes are not synchronous with the PCM 30  
If multiframe synchronization is lost (page 03H,  
address 10H, when MFSYNC = 1) all receive CAS  
signalling nibbles are frozen. Receive CAS nibbles  