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VSP9427B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: VSP9427B
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内容描述: PRIMUS强大的扫描速率转换器包括多标准解码器颜色 [PRIMUS Powerful Scan-Rate Converter including Multistandard Color Decoder]
分类和应用: 解码器转换器
文件页数/大小: 126 页 / 1601 K
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VSP 94x2A Window Function  
WINDHDR. To change from „close“ to „open“ or vice  
versa only the WINDHDR parameter has to be tog-  
gled. The speed of the window can be defined by the  
WINDHSP parameter. Fig. 2–39 shows the functional-  
ity of the vertical window function.  
Fig. 2–38 shows the functionality of the horizontal win-  
dow function. The window can be closed or opened.  
The windowing feature can be enabled by the WIND-  
HON parameter. The WINDHST and the WINDHDR  
parameter determine, what status (opened or closed)  
the window has, and what can be done with the win-  
dow (open or close). With each enabling of the window  
function by the WINDHON parameter, the status of the  
window will be as defined by WINDHST and  
All settings are also available in vertical direction. All  
I C parameters exist for both directions (e.g. WIND-  
HON and WINDVON for horizontal and vertical window  
enabling). Combinations of both window functions  
(horizontal and vertical) are also possible.  
Fig. 2–38: Horizontal Windowing  
close window  
open window  
Fig. 2–39: Vertical Windowing  
close window  
open window  
Fig. 2–40: Horizontal and Vertical Windowing  
Aug. 16, 2004; 6251-552-1DS  