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MSP3431G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MSP3431G
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内容描述: 多标准音频处理器系列与虚拟杜比环绕声 [Multistandard Sound Processor Family with Virtual Dolby Surround]
文件页数/大小: 102 页 / 1129 K
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MSP 34x1G  
3.2. Start-Up Sequence:  
Power-Up and I2C Controlling  
After POWER ON or RESET (see Fig. 4–24), the IC is  
in an inactive state. All registers are in the reset posi-  
tion (see tables 3–5 and 3–6), the analog outputs are  
muted. The controller has to initialize all registers for  
which a non-default setting is necessary.  
3.3. MSP 34x1G Programming Interface  
3.3.1. User Registers Overview  
The MSP 34x1G is controlled by means of user regis-  
ters. The complete list of all user registers is given in  
the following tables. The registers are partitioned into  
the Demodulator section (Subaddress 10hex for writ-  
ing, 11hex for reading) and the Baseband Processing  
sections (Subaddress 12hex for writing, 13hex for read-  
Write and read registers are 16-bit wide, whereby the  
MSB is denoted bit [15]. Transmissions via I2C bus  
have to take place in 16-bit words (two byte transfers, with  
the most significant byte transferred first). All write regis-  
ters, except the demodulator write registers, are readable.  
Unused parts of the 16-bit write registers must be zero.  
Addresses not given in this table must not be written.  
For reasons of software compatibility to the  
MSP 34x0D, an Manual/Compatibility Mode is avail-  
able. More read and write registers together with a  
detailed description of this mode can be found in the  
“Appendix B: Manual/Compatibility Mode” on page 83.  
An overview of all MSP 34x1G Write Registers is  
shown in Table 3–5; all Read Registers are given in  
Table 3–6.  