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CAP3001A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CAP3001A
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内容描述: 汽车音响处理器硬件 [Car Audio Processor Hardware]
分类和应用: 汽车音响
文件页数/大小: 37 页 / 461 K
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CAP 3001 A  
3.1.2. Pin Descriptions  
Pin 21 – VSUPA  
Analog supply voltage; power for the analog circuitry of  
the CAP 3001 A is supplied via this pin.  
Pin1 – FMLEVEL  
Input for the FM field strength information.  
Pin 22 – LF  
Left front speaker output.  
Pins 2 to 6 – POT5/AVC, POT4, POT3, POT2,  
Pin 23 – LR  
Inputs for a DC-control voltage (0V to V ). These pins  
Left rear speaker output.  
can also be used as digital outputs with an external pull-  
up resistor; the function and selection is controlled via  
IM/I C-bus.  
Pin 24 – RR  
Right rear speaker output.  
Pin 25 – RF  
Right front speaker output.  
Pin 26 – VREF2  
Pin 7 – MPX0  
bias circuits and must be connected separately to the  
ground point of the tuner.  
Input for the MPX signal in case of FM reception.  
Pin 8 – AML  
Input for left channel baseband audio; or for AM IF  
(450 to 460 kHz).  
Pin 27 – FMTUNOUT  
Tuning voltage for the FM oscillator.  
Pin 9 – AMR  
Input for right channel baseband audio.  
Pin 28 – TUNFB  
Feedback input for tuning voltage amplifier.  
Pin 10 – AUXR  
Input for additional audio sources, right channel.  
Pin 29 – AMTUNOUT  
Tuning voltage for the AM oscillator.  
Pin 11 – AUXL  
Input for additional audio sources, left channel.  
Pin 30 – VSUP2  
Synthesizer supply voltage 2; power is supplied via this  
pin for the synthesizer output circuitry of the  
CAP 3001 A.  
Pin 12 – TAPER  
Input for right tape channel.  
Pin 31 – VSUP1  
Synthesizer supply voltage 1; power is supplied via this  
pin for the synthesizer circuitry of the CAP 3001 A.  
Pin 13 – TAPEL  
Input for left tape channel.  
Pin 32 – AMOSCREF  
Capacitor pin for AMOSCIN reference voltage.  
Pins 14 to 16 – PDMC3, PDMC2, PDMC1  
Capacitor pins for the feedback loop of the high quality  
pulse-density modulators.  
Pin 33 – AMOSCIN  
Input for the AM oscillator signal.  
Pin 17 – BAGNDC  
Buffered internal ground. This pin is the buffered internal  
ground connection for the external PDM capacitors.  
Pin 34 – FMOSCREF  
Capacitor pin for FMOSCIN reference voltage.  
Pin 18 – AGNDC  
Pin 35 – FMOSCIN  
Input for the FM oscillator signal.  
This pin serves as internal ground connection for the  
analog circuitry. It must be connected to analog ground  
with a 4.7 µF and a 100 nF capacitor in parallel.  
Pin 36 – GNDS1  
This pin serves as ground connection for the HF parts of  
the synthesizer section.  
Pin 19 – VREF1  
This pin must be connected separately to the single  
groundpoint. Itservesasgroundconnectionfortheana-  
log bias circuits.  
Pin 37 – TESTEN  
Test mode enable  
Pin 20 – GNDA  
This pin serves as ground connection for the analog sig-  
nals and NF parts of the synthesizer section.  
Pin 38 – QX1  
Crystal pin. This pin has to be connected with the crystal.  