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PIC18F2450-I/SO 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18F2450-I/SO
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚,高性能, 12 MIPS ,增强型闪存, USB微控制器采用纳瓦技术 [28/40/44-Pin, High-Performance, 12 MIPS, Enhanced Flash, USB Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管PC时钟
文件页数/大小: 320 页 / 5591 K
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14.4 Buffer Descriptors and the Buffer  
Descriptor Table  
Buffer descriptors not only define the size of an  
endpoint buffer, but also determine its configuration  
and control. Most of the configuration is done with the  
BD Status register, BDnSTAT. Each BD has its own  
unique and correspondingly numbered BDnSTAT  
The registers in Bank 4 are used specifically for end-  
point buffer control in a structure known as the Buffer  
Descriptor Table (BDT). This provides a flexible method  
for users to construct and control endpoint buffers of  
various lengths and configuration.  
The BDT is composed of Buffer Descriptors (BD) which  
are used to define and control the actual buffers in the  
USB RAM space. Each BD, in turn, consists of four  
registers, where n represents one of the 64 possible  
BDs (range of 0 to 63):  
FIGURE 14-6:  
Address Registers  
Size of Block  
• BDnSTAT: BD Status register  
• BDnCNT: BD Byte Count register  
• BDnADRL: BD Address Low register  
• BDnADRH: BD Address High register  
BDs always occur as a four-byte block in the sequence,  
of BDnSTAT is always an offset of (4n – 1) (in  
hexadecimal) from 400h, with n being the buffer  
descriptor number.  
USB Data  
Depending on the buffering configuration used  
(Section 14.4.4 “Ping-Pong Buffering”), there are up  
to 32, 33 or 64 sets of buffer descriptors. At a minimum,  
the BDT must be at least 8 bytes long. This is because  
the USB specification mandates that every device must  
have Endpoint 0 with both input and output for initial  
setup. Depending on the endpoint and buffering  
configuration, the BDT can be as long as 256 bytes.  
Memory regions not to scale.  
Unlike other control registers, the bit configuration for  
the BDnSTAT register is context sensitive. There are  
two distinct configurations, depending on whether the  
microcontroller or the USB module is modifying the BD  
and buffer at a particular time. Only three bit definitions  
are shared between the two.  
Although they can be thought of as Special Function  
Registers, the Buffer Descriptor Status and Address  
registers are not hardware mapped, as conventional  
microcontroller SFRs in Bank 15 are. If the endpoint cor-  
responding to a particular BD is not enabled, its registers  
are not used. Instead of appearing as unimplemented  
addresses, however, they appear as available RAM.  
Only when an endpoint is enabled by setting the  
UEPn<1> bit does the memory at those addresses  
become functional as BD registers. As with any address  
in the data memory space, the BD registers have an  
indeterminate value on any device Reset.  
Buffer Ownership  
Because the buffers and their BDs are shared between  
the CPU and the USB module, a simple semaphore  
mechanism is used to distinguish which is allowed to  
update the BD and associated buffers in memory.  
This is done by using the UOWN bit (BDnSTAT<7>) as  
a semaphore to distinguish which is allowed to update  
the BD and associated buffers in memory. UOWN is the  
only bit that is shared between the two configurations  
of BDnSTAT.  
A total of 256 bytes of address space in Bank 4 is  
available for BDT and USB data RAM. In Ping-Pong  
Buffer mode, all the 16 bidirectional endpoints can not  
be implemented where BDT itself can be as long as  
256 bytes. In the majority of USB applications, few  
endpoints are required to be implemented. Hence, a  
small portion of the 256 bytes will be used for BDT and  
the rest can be used for USB data.  
When UOWN is clear, the BD entry is “owned” by the  
microcontroller core. When the UOWN bit is set, the BD  
entry and the buffer memory are “owned” by the USB  
peripheral. The core should not modify the BD or its  
corresponding data buffer during this time. Note that  
the microcontroller core can still read BDnSTAT while  
the SIE owns the buffer and vice versa.  
The buffer descriptors have a different meaning based  
on the source of the register update. Prior to placing  
ownership with the USB peripheral, the user can con-  
figure the basic operation of the peripheral through the  
BDnSTAT bits. During this time, the byte count and  
buffer location registers can also be set.  
An example of a BD for a 16-byte buffer, starting at  
480h, is shown in Figure 14-6. A particular set of BD  
registers is only valid if the corresponding endpoint has  
been enabled using the UEPn register. All BD registers  
are available in USB RAM. The BD for each endpoint  
should be set up prior to enabling the endpoint.  
© 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.  
Advance Information  
DS39760A-page 137  