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PIC18F4431-I/P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18F4431-I/P
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内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚增强型闪存微控制器采用纳瓦技术,高性能PWM和A / D [28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology, High-Performance PWM and A/D]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 392 页 / 3127 K
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In Synchronous Counter mode configuration, the timer  
15.2 16-Bit Read/Write and Write Modes  
is clocked by the external clock (T5CKI) with the  
optional prescaler. The external T5CKI is selected by  
setting the TMR5CS bit (TMR5CS = 1); the internal  
clock is selected by clearing TMR5CS. The external  
clock is synchronized to the internal clock by clearing  
the T5SYNC bit. The input on T5CKI is sampled on  
every Q2 and Q4 of the internal clock. The low to rise  
transition is decoded on three adjacent samples and  
the Timer5 is incremented on the next Q1. The T5CKI  
minimum pulse-width high and low time must be  
greater than TCY/2.  
As noted, the actual high byte of the Timer5 register  
pair is mapped to TMR5H, which serves as a buffer.  
Reading TMR5L will load the contents of the high byte  
of the register pair into the TMR5H register. This allows  
the user to accurately read all 16 bits of the register pair  
without having to determine whether a read of the high  
byte, followed by the low byte, is valid due to a rollover  
between reads.  
Since the actual high byte of the Timer5 register pair is  
not directly readable or writable, it must be read and  
written to through the Timer5 High Byte Buffer register  
(TMR5H). The T5 high byte is updated with the con-  
tents of TMR5H when a write occurs to TMR5L. This  
allows a user to write all 16 bits to both the high and low  
bytes of Timer5 at once. Writes to TMR5H do not clear  
the Timer5 prescaler. The prescaler is only cleared on  
writes to TMR5L.  
In Asynchronous Counter mode configuration, Timer5  
is clocked by the external clock (T5CKI) with the  
optional prescaler. In this mode, T5CKI is not synchro-  
nized to the internal clock. By setting TMR5CS, the  
external input clock (T5CKI) can be used as the coun-  
ter sampling clock. When T5SYNC is set, the external  
clock is not synchronized to the internal device clock.  
The timer count is not reset automatically when the  
module is disabled. The user may write the Counter  
register to initialize the counter.  
Read-modify-write instructions, like BSF and BCF, will  
read the contents of a register, make the appropriate  
changes and place the result back into the register. The  
write portion of a read-modify-write instruction of  
TMR5H will not update the contents of the high byte of  
TMR5 until a write of TMR5L takes place. Only then will  
the contents of TMR5H be placed into the high byte of  
The Timer5 module does NOT prevent  
writes to the PR5 registers (PR5H:PR5L)  
while the timer is enabled. Writing to PR5  
while the timer is enabled may result in  
unexpected period match events.  
15.3 Timer5 Prescaler  
Timer5 has two operating modes: Continuous Count  
and Single-Shot.  
The Timer5 clock input (either TCY or the external clock)  
may be divided by using the Timer5 programmable  
prescaler. The prescaler control bits, T5PS<1:0>  
(T5CON<4:3>), select a prescale factor of 2, 4, 8 or no  
Continuous Count mode is selected by clearing the  
T5MOD control bit (= 0). In this mode, the Timer5 time  
base will start incrementing according to the prescaler  
settings until a TMR5/PR5 match occurs, or until TMR5  
rolls over (FFFFh to 0000h). The TMR5IF interrupt flag  
is set, the TMR5 register is reset on the following input  
clock edge and the timer continues to count for as long  
as the TMR5ON bit remains set.  
The Timer5 prescaler is cleared by any of the following:  
• A write to the Timer5 register  
• Disabling Timer5 (TMR5ON = 0)  
• A device Reset such as Master Clear, POR or  
Single-Shot mode is selected by setting T5MOD (= 1).  
In this mode, the Timer5 time base begins to increment  
according to the prescaler settings until a TMR5/PR5  
match occurs. This causes the TMR5IF interrupt flag to  
be set, the TMR5 register pair to be cleared on the  
following input clock edge and the TMR5ON bit to be  
cleared by the hardware to halt the timer.  
Writing to the T5CON register does not  
clear the Timer5.  
The Timer5 time base can only start incrementing in  
Single-Shot mode under two conditions:  
1. Timer5 is enabled (TMR5ON is set), or  
2. Timer5 is disabled and a Special Event Trigger  
Reset is present on the Timer5 Reset input. (See  
Section 15.7 “Timer5 Special Event Trigger  
Reset Input” for additional information.)  
2010 Microchip Technology Inc.  
DS39616D-page 141  