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PIC18F4431-I/P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18F4431-I/P
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内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚增强型闪存微控制器采用纳瓦技术,高性能PWM和A / D [28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology, High-Performance PWM and A/D]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 392 页 / 3127 K
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15.4 Noise Filter  
The Timer5 Special Event Trigger Reset input can act  
as a Timer5 wake-up and a start-up pulse. Timer5 must  
be in Single-Shot mode and disabled (TMR5ON = 0).  
An active edge on the CAP1 input pin will set TMR5ON.  
The timer is subsequently incremented on the next fol-  
lowing clock according to the prescaler and the Timer5  
clock settings. A subsequent hardware time-out (such  
as TMR5/PR5 match) will clear the TMR5ON bit and  
stop the timer.  
The Timer5 module includes an optional input noise  
filter, designed to reduce spurious signals in noisy  
operating environments. The filter ensures that the input  
is not permitted to change until a stable value has been  
registered for three consecutive sampling clock cycles.  
The noise filter is part of the input filter network associ-  
ated with the Motion Feedback Module (see  
Section 17.0 “Motion Feedback Module”). All of the  
filters are controlled using the Digital Filter Control  
(DFLTCON) register (Register 17-3). The Timer5 filter  
can be individually enabled or disabled by setting or  
clearing the FLT4EN bit (DFLTCON<6>). It is disabled  
on all Brown-out Resets.  
An active edge on CAP1 can also be used to initiate  
some later action delayed by the Timer5 time base. In  
this case, Timer5 increments as before after being  
triggered. When the hardware time-out occurs, the  
Special Event Trigger output is generated and used to  
trigger another action, such as an A/D conversion. This  
allows a given hardware action to be referenced from a  
capture edge on CAP1 and delayed by the timer.  
For additional information, refer to Section 17.3  
“Noise Filters” in the Motion Feedback Module.  
15.5 Timer5 Interrupt  
Timer5 has the ability to generate an interrupt on a  
period match. When the PR5 register is loaded with a  
new period value (00FFh), the Timer5 time base incre-  
ments until its value is equal to the value of PR5. When  
a match occurs, the Timer5 interrupt is generated on  
the rising edge of Q4; TMR5IF is set on the next TCY.  
The event timing for the delayed action event trigger is  
discussed further in Section 17.1 “Input Capture”.  
The interrupt latency (i.e., the time elapsed from the  
moment Timer5 rolls over until TMR5IF is set) will not  
exceed 1 TCY. When the Timer5 clock input is prescaled  
and a TMR5/PR5 match occurs, the interrupt will be  
generated on the first Q4 rising edge after TMR5 resets.  
In the event that a bus write to Timer5 coincides with a  
Special Event Trigger Reset, the bus write will always  
take precedence over the Special Event Trigger Reset.  
15.8 Operation in Sleep Mode  
When Timer5 is configured for asynchronous operation,  
it will continue to increment each timer clock (or prescale  
multiple of clocks). Executing the SLEEPinstruction will  
either stop the timer or let the timer continue, depending  
on the setting of the Timer5 Sleep Enable bit, T5SEN. If  
T5SEN is set (= 1), the timer continues to run when the  
SLEEPinstruction is executed and the external clock is  
selected (TMR5CS = 1). If T5SEN is cleared, the timer  
stops when a SLEEPinstruction is executed, regardless  
of the state of the TMR5CS bit.  
15.6 Timer5 Special Event Trigger  
A Timer5 Special Event Trigger is generated on a  
TMR5/PR5 match. The Special Event Trigger is  
generated on the falling edge of Q3.  
Timer5 must be configured for either Synchronous  
mode (Counter or Timer) to take advantage of the  
Special Event Trigger feature. If Timer5 is running in  
Asynchronous Counter mode, the Special Event  
Trigger may not work and should not be used.  
To summarize, Timer5 will continue to increment when  
a SLEEPinstruction is executed only if all of these bits  
are set:  
15.7 Timer5 Special Event Trigger  
Reset Input  
• TMR5ON  
• T5SEN  
In addition to the Special Event Trigger output, Timer5  
has a Special Event Trigger Reset input that may be  
used with Input Capture Channel 1 (IC1) of the Motion  
Feedback Module. To use the Special Event Trigger  
Reset, the Capture 1 Control register, CAP1CON, must  
be configured for one of the Special Event Trigger  
modes (CAP1M<3:0> = 1110 or 1111). The Special  
Event Trigger Reset can be disabled by setting the  
RESEN control bit (T5CON<6>).  
• TMR5CS  
• T5SYNC  
When configured as described above, Timer5 will  
continue to increment on each rising edge on T5CKI  
while in Sleep mode. When a TMR5/PR5 match occurs,  
an interrupt is generated which can wake the part.  
The Special Event Trigger Reset resets the Timer5 time  
base. This Reset occurs in either Continuous Count or  
Single-Shot modes.  
DS39616D-page 142  
2010 Microchip Technology Inc.  