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PIC16F688-I/P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC16F688-I/P
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内容描述: 14引脚基于闪存的8位CMOS微控制器采用纳瓦技术 [14-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管时钟
文件页数/大小: 174 页 / 2918 K
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10.3 USART Asynchronous Mode  
The Asynchronous mode of operation is selected by  
clearing the SYNC bit (TXSTA<4>). In this mode, the  
USART uses standard non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format  
(one Start bit, eight or nine data bits and one Stop bit).  
The most common data format is 8 bits. An on-chip  
dedicated 8-bit/16-bit baud rate generator can be used  
to derive standard baud rate frequencies from the  
The USART transmitter block diagram is shown in  
Figure 10-2. The heart of the transmitter is the Transmit  
(serial) Shift Register (TSR). The shift register obtains  
its data from the read/write transmit buffer, TXREG. The  
TXREG register is loaded with data in software. The  
TSR register is not loaded until the Stop bit has been  
transmitted from the previous load. As soon as the Stop  
bit is transmitted, the TSR is loaded with new data from  
the TXREG register (if available).  
The USART transmits and receives the LSb first. The  
USART’s transmitter and receiver are functionally inde-  
pendent, but use the same data format and baud rate.  
The baud rate generator produces a clock, either x16  
or x64 of the bit shift rate, depending on the BRGH and  
BRG16 bits (TXSTA<2> and BAUDCTL<3>). Parity is  
not supported by the hardware, but can be  
implemented in software and stored as the 9th data bit.  
Once the TXREG register transfers the data to the TSR  
register (occurs in one TCY), the TXREG register is  
empty and flag bit TXIF (PIR1<4>) is set. This interrupt  
can be enabled/disabled by setting/clearing enable bit  
TXIE (PIE1<4>). Flag bit TXIF will be set, regardless of  
the state of enable bit TXIE and cannot be cleared in  
software. Flag bit TXIF is not cleared immediately upon  
loading the transmit buffer register TXREG. TXIF  
becomes valid in the second instruction cycle following  
the load instruction. Polling TXIF immediately following  
a load of TXREG will return invalid results.  
Asynchronous mode is available in all times. It is avail-  
able in Sleep mode only when auto-wake-up on Sync  
Break is enabled. The baud rate generator values may  
need to be adjusted if the clocks are changed.  
When operating in Asynchronous mode, the USART  
module consists of the following important elements:  
While flag bit TXIF indicates the status of the TXREG  
register, another bit, TRMT (TXSTA<1>), shows the  
status of the TSR register. Status bit TRMT is a read  
only bit, which is set when the TSR register is empty.  
No interrupt logic is tied to this bit, so the user has to  
poll this bit in order to determine if the TSR register is  
• Baud Rate Generator  
• Sampling Circuit  
• Asynchronous Transmitter  
• Asynchronous Receiver  
• Auto-wake-up on Sync Break Character  
• 13-bit Break Character Transmit  
• Auto Baud Rate Detection  
Note 1: The TSR register is not mapped in data  
memory, so it is not available to the user.  
2: Flag bit TXIF is set when enable bit TXEN  
is set.  
To set up an Asynchronous Transmission:  
1. Initialize the SPBRGH:SPBRG registers for the  
appropriate baud rate. Set or clear the BRGH  
and BRG16 bits, as required, to achieve the  
desired baud rate.  
2. Enable the asynchronous serial port by clearing  
bit SYNC and setting bit SPEN.  
3. If interrupts are desired, set enable bit TXIE.  
4. If 9-bit transmission is desired, set transmit bit  
TX9. Can be used as address/data bit.  
5. Enable the transmission by setting bit TXEN,  
which will also set bit TXIF.  
6. If 9-bit transmission is selected, the ninth bit  
should be loaded in bit TX9D.  
7. Load data to the TXREG register (starts  
If using interrupts, ensure that the GIE and PEIE bits in  
the INTCON register (INTCON<7:6>) are set.  
DS41203B-page 86  
2004 Microchip Technology Inc.  