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PIC16F777-I/PT 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC16F777-I/PT
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内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚, 8位CMOS闪存微控制器与10位A / D和纳瓦技术 [28/40/44-Pin, 8-Bit CMOS Flash Microcontrollers with 10-Bit A/D and nanoWatt Technology]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 276 页 / 4898 K
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Timer1 Operation  
Timer1 can operate in one of three modes:  
The Timer1 module is a 16-bit timer/counter consisting  
of two 8-bit registers (TMR1H and TMR1L) which are  
readable and writable. The TMR1 register pair  
(TMR1H:TMR1L) increments from 0000h to FFFFh  
and rolls over to 0000h. The TMR1 interrupt, if enabled,  
is generated on overflow which is latched in interrupt  
flag bit, TMR1IF (PIR1<0>). This interrupt can be  
enabled/disabled by setting/clearing TMR1 interrupt  
enable bit, TMR1IE (PIE1<0>).  
• as a Timer  
• as a Synchronous Counter  
• as an Asynchronous Counter  
The operating mode is determined by the clock select  
bit, TMR1CS (T1CON<1>).  
In Timer mode, Timer1 increments every instruction  
cycle. In Counter mode, it increments on every rising  
edge of the external clock input.  
The Timer1 oscillator can be used as a secondary clock  
source in low-power modes. When the T1RUN bit is set  
along with SCS<1:0> = 01, the Timer1 oscillator is pro-  
viding the system clock. If the Fail-Safe Clock Monitor  
is enabled and the Timer1 oscillator fails while  
providing the system clock, polling the T1RUN bit will  
indicate whether the clock is being provided by the  
Timer1 oscillator or another source.  
Timer1 can be enabled/disabled by setting/clearing  
control bit, TMR1ON (T1CON<0>).  
Timer1 also has an internal “Reset input”. This Reset  
can be generated by the CCP1 module as the special  
event trigger (see Section 9.4 “Capture Mode”).  
Register 7-1 shows the Timer1 Control register.  
When the Timer1 oscillator is enabled (T1OSCEN is  
set), the RC0/T1OSO/T1CKI and RC1/T1OSI/CCP2  
pins become inputs. That is, the TRISB<7:6> value is  
ignored and these pins read as ‘0’.  
Timer1 can also be used to provide Real-Time Clock  
(RTC) functionality to applications with only a minimal  
addition of external components and code overhead.  
Additional information on timer modules is available in  
the “PICmicro® Mid-Range MCU Family Reference  
Manual” (DS33023).  
2004 Microchip Technology Inc.  
DS30498C-page 77  