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W78M32VP-100BM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: W78M32VP-100BM
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Flash,]
分类和应用: 内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 47 页 / 1902 K
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 The reset command may be written during an Autoselect  
2. Dynamically locked. The selected sectors are protected and  
can be altered via software commands.  
command sequence.  
 If a sector has entered the Autoselect mode while in the  
Erase Suspend mode, writing the reset command returns  
that sector to the erase-suspend-read mode.  
3. Unlocked. The sectors are unprotected and can be erased  
and/or programmed.  
 If DQ1 goes high during a Write Buffer Programming  
operation, the system must write the “Write to Buffer abort  
Reset” command sequence to RESET the device to reading  
array data. The standard RESET command does not work  
during this condition.  
The Persistent Protection Bits are unique and nonvolatile for each  
sector and have the same endurances as the Flash memory.  
Preprogramming and verication prior to erasure are handled by  
the device, and therefore do not require system monitoring.  
 To exit the unlock bypass mode, the system must issue a  
two-cycle unlock bypass reset command sequence [see  
Command Denitions for details].  
1. Each PPB is individually programmed and all are erased in  
2. While programming PPB for a sector, array data can be read  
from any other sector, except Sector 0 (used for Data# Polling)  
and the sector in which sector PPB is being programmed.  
The Advanced Sector Protection/Unprotection feature disables or  
enables programming or erase operations in any or all sectors and  
can be implemented through software and/or hardware methods,  
which are independent of each other. This section describes the  
various methods of protecting data stored in the memory array. An  
overview of these methods in shown in Figure 8.  
3. Entry command disables reads and writes for the sector  
4. Reads within that sector return the PPB status for that sector.  
5. All Reads must be performed using the read mode.  
6. The specic sector address (A22-A16) are written at the same  
time as the program command.  
7. If the PPB Lock Bit is set, the PPB Program or erase command  
does not execute and times-out without programming or  
erasing the PPB.  
As shipped from the factory, all devices default to the persistent  
mode when power is applied, and all sectors are unprotected. The  
device programmer or host system must then choose which sector  
protection method to use. Programming (setting to “0”) any one of  
the following two one-time programmable, non-volatile bits locks  
the part permanently in that mode:  
8. There are no means for individually erasing a specic PPB  
and no specic sector address is required for this operation.  
9. Exit command must be issued after the execution which resets  
the device to read mode and reenables reads and writes for  
Sector 0.  
 Lock Register Persistent Protection Mode Lock Bit (DQ1)  
 Lock Register Password Protection Mode Lock Bit (DQ2)  
10. The programming state of the PPB for a given sector can be  
veried by writing a PPB Status Read Command to the device  
as described by the ow chart shown in Figure 9.  
1. If the password mode is chosen, the password must be  
programmed before setting the corresponding lock register bit.  
2. After the Lock Register Bits Command Set Entry command  
sequence is written, reads and writes for Sector 0 are disabled,  
while reads from other sectors are allowed until exiting this  
Dynamic Protection Bits are volatile and unique for each sector  
and can be individually modied. DYBs only control the protection  
scheme for unprotected sectors that have their PPBs cleared  
(erased to “1”). By issuing the DYB Set or Clear command  
sequences, the DYBs are set (programmed to “0”) or cleared  
(erased to “1”), thus placing each sector in the protected or  
unprotected state respectively. This feature allows software to  
easily protect sectors against inadvertent changes yet does not  
prevent the easy removal of protection when changes are needed.  
3. If both lock bits are selected to be programmed (to zeros) at  
the same time, the operation aborts.  
4. Once the Password Mode Lock Bit is programmed, the  
Persistent Mode Lock Bit is permanently disabled, and no  
changes to the protection scheme are allowed. Similarly, if the  
Persistent Mode Lock Bit is programmed, the Password Mode  
is permanently disabled.  
1. The DYBs can be set (programmed to “0”) or cleared (erased  
to “1”) as often as needed. When the parts are rst shipped,  
the PPBs are cleared (erased to “1”) and upon power up or  
reset, the DYBs can be set or cleared depending upon the  
ordering option chosen.  
After selecting a sector protection method, each sector can operate  
in any of the following three states:  
1. Constantly locked. The selected sectors are protected and  
can not be reprogrammed unless PPB lock bit is cleared via a  
password, hardware reset, or power cycle.  
2. If the option to clear the DYBs after power up is chosen, (erased  
to “1”), then the sectors may be modied depending upon the  
PPB state of that sector (see Table 20).  
Microsemi Corporation reserves the right to change products or specications without notice.  
August 2011 © 2011 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Rev. 15  
Microsemi Corporation • (602) 437-1520 • www.microsemi.com  