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MX29LV160BBXBC-90 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MX29LV160BBXBC-90
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内容描述: 16M - BIT [ 2Mx8 / 1Mx16 ] CMOS单电压3V仅限于Flash存储器 [16M-BIT [2Mx8/1Mx16] CMOS SINGLE VOLTAGE 3V ONLY FLASH MEMORY]
分类和应用: 存储
文件页数/大小: 63 页 / 762 K
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Sector Erase Timer  
In order to reduce power switching effect, each device  
should have a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor connected be-  
tween itsVCC and GND.  
After the completion of the initial sector erase command  
sequence, the sector erase time-out will begin. Q3 will  
remain low until the time-out is complete. Data Polling  
andToggle Bit are valid after the initial sector erase com-  
mand sequence.  
The MX29LV160BT/BB powers up in the Read only mode.  
In addition, the memory contents may only be altered  
after successful completion of the predefined command  
If Data Polling or the Toggle Bit indicates the device has  
been written with a valid erase command, Q3 may be  
used to determine if the sector erase timer window is  
still open. If Q3 is high ("1") the internally controlled  
erase cycle has begun; attempts to write subsequent  
commands to the device will be ignored until the erase  
operation is completed as indicated by Data Polling or  
Toggle Bit. If Q3 is low ("0"), the device will accept  
additional sector erase commands. To insure the com-  
mand has been accepted, the system software should  
check the status of Q3 prior to and following each sub-  
sequent sector erase command. If Q3 were high on the  
second status check, the command may not have been  
This feature allows temporary unprotection of previously  
protected sector to change data in-system.TheTempo-  
rary Sector Unprotect mode is activated by setting the  
RESET pin toVID (11.5V-12.5V). During this mode, for-  
merly protected sectors can be programmed or erased  
as un-protected sector. Once VID is remove from the  
RESET pin. All the previously protected sectors are pro-  
tected again.  
The MX29LV160BT/BB is designed to offer protection  
against accidental erasure or programming caused by  
spurious system level signals that may exist during power  
transition. During power up the device automatically re-  
sets the state machine in the Read mode. In addition,  
with its control register architecture, alteration of the  
memory contents only occurs after successful comple-  
tion of specific command sequences. The device also  
incorporates several features to prevent inadvertent write  
cycles resulting fromVCC power-up and power-down tran-  
sition or system noise.  
The MX29LV160BT/BB features hardware sector pro-  
tection. This feature will disable both program and erase  
operations for these sectors protected. To activate this  
mode, the programming equipment must force VID on  
address pin A9 and OE (suggestVID = 12V). Program-  
ming of the protection circuitry begins on the falling edge  
of the WE pulse and is terminated on the rising edge.  
Please refer to sector protect algorithm and waveform.  
To verify programming of the protection circuitry, the pro-  
gramming equipment must forceVID on address pin A9  
( with CE and OE atVIL andWE atVIH). When A1=VIH,  
A0=VIL, A6=VIL, it will produce a logical "1" code at  
device output Q0 for a protected sector. Otherwise the  
device will produce 00H for the unprotected sector. In  
this mode, the addresses, except for A1, are don't care.  
Address locations with A1 = VIL are reserved to read  
manufacturer and device codes. (Read Silicon ID)  
Noise pulses of less than 5ns (typical) on OE, CE orWE  
will not initiate a write cycle.  
It is also possible to determine if the sector is protected  
in the system by writing a Read Silicon ID command.  
Performing a read operation with A1=VIH, it will produce  
a logical "1" at Q0 for the protected sector.  
Writing is inhibited by holding any one of OE = VIL, CE  
= VIH or WE = VIH. To initiate a write cycle CE and WE  
must be a logical zero while OE is a logical one.  
REV. 1.2, JUL. 01, 2004  