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MX25L3205AMC-20G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MX25L3205AMC-20G
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内容描述: 32M - BIT [ ×1 ] CMOS串行eLiteFlashTM记忆 [32M-BIT [x 1] CMOS SERIAL eLiteFlashTM MEMORY]
分类和应用: 闪存存储内存集成电路光电二极管时钟
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 954 K
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(9) Sector Erase (SE)  
TheSectorErase(SE)instructionisforerasingthedataofthechosensectortobe "1".AWriteEnable(WREN)instruction  
must execute to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit before sending the Sector Erase (SE). Any address of the sector  
(see table 3) is a valid address for Sector Erase (SE) instruction. The CS# must go high exactly at the byte boundary  
(the latest eighth of address byte been latched-in); otherwise, the instruction will be rejected and not executed.  
The sequence of issuing SE instruction is: CS# goes low -> sending SE instruction code-> 3-byte address on SI -> CS#  
goes high. (see Figure 20)  
The self-timed Sector Erase Cycle time (tSE) is initiated as soon as Chip Select (CS#) goes high. The Write in Progress  
(WIP) bit still can be check out during the Sector Erase cycle is in progress. The WIP sets 1 during the tSE timing, and  
sets 0 when Sector Erase Cycle is completed, and the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit is reset. If the page is protected by  
BP2, BP1, BP0 bits, the Sector Erase (SE) instruction will not be executed on the page.  
(10) Chip Erase (CE)  
executetosettheWriteEnableLatch(WEL)bitbeforesendingtheChipErase(CE). Anyaddressofthesector(seetable  
3)isavalidaddressforChipErase(CE)instruction. TheCS#mustgohighexactlyatthebyteboundary(thelatesteighth  
of address byte been latched-in); otherwise, the instruction will be rejected and not executed.  
The sequence of issuing CE instruction is: CS# goes low-> sending CE instruction code-> CS# goes high. (see Figure  
The self-timed Chip Erase Cycle time (tCE) is initiated as soon as Chip Select (CS#) goes high. The Write in Progress  
(WIP) bit still can be check out during the Chip Erase cycle is in progress. The WIP sets 1 during the tBE timing, and  
sets0whenChipEraseCycleiscompleted,andtheWriteEnableLatch(WEL)bitisreset.Ifthechipisprotectedby BP2,  
BP1, BP0 bits, the Chip Erase (CE) instruction will not be executed. It will be only executed when BP2, BP1, BP0 all set  
to "0".  
(11) Page Program (PP)  
The Page Program (PP) instruction is for programming the memory to be "0". A Write Enable (WREN) instruction must  
execute to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit before sending the Page Program (PP). If the eight least significant  
address bits (A7-A0) are not all 0, all transmitted data which goes beyond the end of the current page are programmed  
from the start address if the same page (from the address whose 8 least significant address bits (A7-A0) are all 0). The  
CS# must keep during the whole Page Program cycle. The CS# must go high exactly at the byte boundary( the latest  
eighthofaddressbytebeenlatched-in);otherwise,theinstructionwillberejectedandnotexecuted. Ifmorethan256bytes  
are sent to the device, the data of the last 256-byte is programmed at the request page and previous data will be  
disregarded. If less than 256 bytes are sent to the device, the data is programmed at the request address of the page  
without effect on other address of the same page.  
1-byte on data on SI-> CS# goes high. (see Figure 19)  
Theself-timedPageProgramCycletime(tPP)isinitiatedassoonasChipSelect(CS#)goeshigh. TheWriteinProgress  
(WIP) bit still can be check out during the Page Program cycle is in progress. The WIP sets 1 during the tPP timing, and  
sets 0 when Page Program Cycle is completed, and the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit is reset. If the page is protected  
by BP2, BP1, BP0 bits, the Page Program (PP) instruction will not be executed.  
REV. 1.2, NOV. 06, 2006  