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LT1376CS8#PBF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LT1376CS8#PBF
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内容描述: [暂无描述]
分类和应用: 开关光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 505 K
品牌: Linear [ Linear ]
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W U U  
77dB at low frequency, rolling off to unity-gain at 20kHz.  
Phase shows a two-pole characteristic until the ESR of the  
output capacitor brings it back above 10kHz. Phase mar-  
gin is about 60° at unity-gain.  
proper operation of the regulator. In the marginal case,  
subharmonic switching occurs, as evidenced by alternat-  
ing pulse widths seen at the switch node. In more severe  
the output voltage is still roughly correct. None of this will  
show on a theoretical Bode plot because Bode is an  
amplitude insensitive analysis. Tests have shown that if  
ripple voltage on the VC is held to less than 100mVP-P, the  
LT1376 will be well behaved. The formula below will give  
an estimate of VC ripple voltage when RC is added to the  
loop, assuming that RC is large compared to the reactance  
of CC at 500kHz.  
Analogexpertswillnotethataround1kHz, phasedipsvery  
ing regulators, especially those that operate over a wide  
range of loads. This region of low phase is not a problem  
variability of output capacitor ESR tends to dominate all  
other effects with respect to loop response. Variations in  
ESR will cause unity-gain to move around, but at the same  
time phase moves with it so that adequate phase margin  
is maintained over a very wide range of ESR (±3:1).  
R G  
V V  
ESR 2.4  
( )( MA)(  
L f  
( )( )( )  
What About a Resistor in the Compensation Network?  
It is common practice in switching regulator design to add  
a “zero” to the error amplifier compensation to increase  
loop phase margin. This zero is created in the external  
network in the form of a resistor (RC) in series with the  
compensation capacitor. Increasing the size of this resis-  
tor generally creates better and better loop stability, but  
there are two limitations on its value. First, the combina-  
tion of output capacitor ESR and a large value for RC may  
cause loop gain to stop rolling off altogether, creating a  
gain margin problem. An approximate formula for RC  
where gain margin falls to zero is:  
GMA = Error amplifier transconductance (2000µMho)  
If a computer simulation of the LT1376 showed that a  
series compensation resistor of 3k gave best overall loop  
response, with adequate gain margin, the resulting VC pin  
ripple voltage with VIN = 10V, VOUT = 5V, ESR = 0.1,  
L = 10µH, would be:  
3k 2 10  
10 5 0.1 2.4  
( )  
)( )(  
= 0.144V  
10 10 10  
500 10  
( )  
This ripple voltage is high enough to possibly create  
subharmonic switching. In most situations a compromise  
value (<2k in this case) for the resistor gives acceptable  
phase margin and no subharmonic problems. In other  
cases, the resistor may have to be larger to get acceptable  
phaseresponse, andsomemeansmustbeusedtocontrol  
ripple voltage at the VC pin. The suggested way to do this  
istoaddacapacitor(CF)inparallelwiththeRC/CC network  
on the VC pin. Pole frequency for this capacitor is typically  
set at one-fifth of switching frequency so that it provides  
significant attenuation of switching ripple, but does not  
With RC = 3k,  
R Loop Gain = 1 =  
ESR 2.42  
MP)( MA)(  
GMP = Transconductance of power stage = 2A/V  
GMA = Error amplifier transconductance = 2 × 10–3  
ESR = Output capacitor ESR  
2.42 = Reference voltage  
With VOUT = 5V and ESR = 0.1, a value of 5.17k for RC  
would yield zero gain margin, so this represents an upper  
limit. There is a second limitation however which has  
nothing to do with theoretical small signal dynamics. This  
resistor sets high frequency gain of the error amplifier,  
including the gain at the switching frequency. If switching  
frequency gain is high enough, output ripple voltage will  
appear at the VC pin with enough amplitude to muck up  
CF =  
= 531pF  
2π f R  
( )( )( ) 2π 500 10 3k  
( )  