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3681 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 3681
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内容描述: 36V ,2A , 2.8MHz降压型开关稳压器,集成功率肖特基二极管 [36V, 2A, 2.8MHz Step-Down Switching Regulator with Integrated Power Schottky Diode]
分类和应用: 稳压器肖特基二极管开关
文件页数/大小: 24 页 / 368 K
品牌: Linear [ Linear ]
 浏览型号3681的Datasheet PDF文件第14页浏览型号3681的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号3681的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号3681的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号3681的Datasheet PDF文件第19页浏览型号3681的Datasheet PDF文件第20页浏览型号3681的Datasheet PDF文件第21页浏览型号3681的Datasheet PDF文件第22页  
Hot Plugging Safely  
125°C. Whenoperatingathighambienttemperatures, the  
maximum load current should be derated as the ambient  
temperature approaches 125°C.  
The small size, robustness and low impedance of ceramic  
capacitors make them an attractive option for the input  
bypass capacitor of LT3681 circuits. However, these  
capacitors can cause problems if the LT3681 is plugged  
into a live supply (see Linear Technology Application  
Note 88 for a complete discussion). The low loss ceramic  
capacitor, combined with stray inductance in series with  
the power source, forms an under damped tank circuit,  
Power dissipation within the LT3681 can be estimated  
by calculating the total power loss from an efficiency  
measurement. The die temperature is calculated by  
multiplying the LT3681 power dissipation by the thermal  
resistance from junction to ambient.  
power Schottky diode, like all Schottky diodes, goes up  
with junction temperature. The curves in Figure 11 show  
how the leakage current in the power Schottky diode  
varies with temperature and reverse voltage. When the  
power switch is closed, the power Schottky diode is in  
parallel with the power converter’s output filter stage. As  
a result, an increase in a diode’s leakage current results  
in an effective increase in the load, and a corresponding  
increase in input power.  
and the voltage at the V pin of the LT3681 can ring  
to twice the nominal input voltage, possibly exceeding  
the LT3681’s rating and damaging the part. If the input  
supply is poorly controlled or the user will be plugging  
the LT3681 into an energized supply, the input network  
should be designed to prevent this overshoot. Figure 10  
shows the waveforms that result when an LT3681 circuit  
is connected to a 24V supply through six feet of 24-gauge  
twisted pair. The first plot (10a) is the response with a  
4.7µF ceramic capacitor at the input. The input voltage  
rings as high as 50V and the input current peaks at 26A.  
A good solution is shown in Figure 10b. A 0.7Ω resistor  
is added in series with the input to eliminate the voltage  
overshoot (it also reduces the peak inrush current). A  
0.1µF capacitor improves high frequency filtering. For  
high input voltages its impact on efficiency is minor,  
reducing efficiency by 1.5 percent for a 5V output at  
full load operating from 24V. Another effective method  
of reducing the overshoot is to add a 22µF aluminum  
electrolytic capacitor, as shown in Figure 10c.  
= 10V  
= 25V  
= 40V  
High Temperature Considerations  
3681 F12  
The PCB must provide heat sinking to keep the LT3681  
cool. The Exposed Pads on the bottom of the package  
tied to large copper layers below with thermal vias; these  
layerswillspreadtheheatdissipatedbytheLT3681. Place  
additional vias to reduce thermal resistance further. With  
these steps, the thermal resistance from die (or junction)  
Figure 11. Like all Schottky Diodes, the LT3681 Integrated Power  
Diode Leakage Current Varies with Temperature and Applied  
Reverse Voltage V .  
Other Linear Technology Publications  
Application Notes 19, 35, 44 and 76 contain more detailed  
descriptions and design information for buck regulators  
and other switching regulators. The LT1376 data sheet  
has a more extensive discussion of output ripple, loop  
compensation and stability testing. Design Note 100  
shows how to generate a bipolar output supply using a  
buck regulator.  
to ambient can be reduced to θ = 35°C/W or less. With  
tance. Becauseofthelargeoutputcurrentcapabilityofthe  
LT3681, it is possible to dissipate enough power to raise  