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B1505A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: B1505A
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内容描述: [Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer]
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 1981 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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26 | Keysight | B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer - Data Sheet  
HVSMU Current Expander (N1266A) Specifications  
Current expander capability  
Expands HVSMU current up to 2.5 A. Current expansion is made using the High Voltage Medium Current Unit (HVMCU), which is  
comprised of a module in the N1266A, HVSMU and two MCSMUs.  
Selector capability  
This allows the connections between the output terminal to be switched between the HVMCU and the HVSMU. The HVSMU output  
can be routed either directly or through a 100 kΩ resistor.  
Output Terminals:  
High (HV Triaxial)  
Low (BNC)  
Maximum output:  
HVSMU : ±3000 V/4 mA, ±1500 V/8 mA  
HVMCU : Refer to HVMCU specification  
Output Peak Power  
Voltage range  
± 2200 V  
Peak power  
600 W  
± 1500 V  
900 W  
Voltage range, resolution, and accuracy  
Voltage range  
Setting resolution  
Measure resolution  
Setting accuracy1, 2, 3  
±(% + V)  
Measure accuracy1, 2  
±(% + V)  
± 2200 V  
± 1500 V  
3 mV  
3 mV  
3 mV  
±(5 + 20)  
±(5 + 20)  
±(0.8 + 1.8)  
±(0.8 + 1.8)  
1.5 mV  
1. ±(% of reading value + fixed offset in V)  
2. Accuracy is defined with 100 μs pulse at 1.1 A range and 2.5 A range, 1 ms pulse at 100 mA range.  
3. Setting accuracy is defined at open load.  
Current range, resolution, and accuracy1, 2  
Current range  
Measure resolution  
Measure accuracy1  
±(% + A + A)  
± 2.5 A  
± 1.1 A  
4 µA  
±(0.9 + 4E-3 + Vo x 3E-7)  
±(0.9 + 4E-3 + Vo x 3E-7)  
±(0.9 + 2E-4 + Vo x 3E-7)  
4 µA  
± 110 mA  
200 nA  
1. Supplemental characteristics over 1.1 A.  
2. Applicable condition: 20 averaging samples  