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B1505A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: B1505A
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer]
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 1981 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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24 | Keysight | B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer - Data Sheet  
Output peak power  
± 500 A  
± 1500 A  
7.5 kW  
22.5 kW  
Voltage range, resolution, and accuracy  
Voltage range  
Setting resolution  
Measure resolution  
Setting accuracy1.2,3  
±(% + mV)  
Measure accuracy1,3  
±(% + mV)  
± 60 V  
200 µV  
100 µV  
±(0.2 + 10)  
±(0.2 + 10)  
1. ±(% of reading value + fixed offset in mV)  
2. Setting accuracy is defined at open load.  
3. Accuracy is defined 1 ms pulse width at 500 A range and 500 μs pulse width at 1500 A range.  
Current range, resolution, and accuracy1  
Current range  
Setting resolution  
Measure resolution  
Setting accuracy2,3  
±(% + A + A)  
Measure accuracy2,3  
±(% + A + A)  
± 500 A  
1 mA  
4 mA  
500 µA  
2 mA  
±(0.6 + 0.3 + 0.01*Vo)  
±(0.8 + 0.9 + 0.02*Vo)  
±(0.6 + 0.3 + 0.01*Vo)  
±(0.8 + 0.9 + 0.02*Vo)  
± 1500 A  
1. Maximum voltage compliance in current pulse mode is 63 V. Over 400 A at 500 A range and over 1200 A at 1500 A range are  
supplemental characteristics.  
2. Accuracy is defined with 1 ms pulse width at 500 A range and with 500 μs pulse width at 1500 A range.  
3. ±(% of reading value + fixed offset in A + proportional offset in A), Vo is the Output Voltage.  
UHCU Pulse width and resolution  
Current range  
500 A  
Voltage pulse width  
10 μs – 1 ms  
Current pulse width  
10 μs – 1 ms  
2 μs  
Pulse period1  
Duty ≤ 0.4%  
Duty ≤ 0.1%  
1500 A  
10 μs – 500 μs  
10 μs – 500 μs  
2 μs  
1. At continuous maximum current output, the output current may be reduced due to insufficient charging time.  