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89601BU 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 89601BU
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内容描述: [89600 VSA Software]
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 5234 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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11 | Keysight | 89601B/BN-200 Basic Vector Signal Analysis, 89601B/BN-300 Hardware Connectivity, 89600 VSA Software - Technical Overview  
Trace data (continued)  
For up to 8 channels, each channel displayed individually  
Displays ACP or OBW tabular data  
Displays computed data in math register  
Channel N x M (where M<N) cross channel data  
Indicates similarity between two signals  
Cross correlation  
Cross spectrum  
Determines time delays of a common signal between two different paths  
Cross power spectrum of ch N vs ch M  
Frequency response  
Impulse response  
Trace math  
Frequency response of ch N vs ch M  
Inverse of frequency response for ch N vs ch M  
Trace math can be used to manipulate data on each measurement. With multi-measurements, trace  
math can be done between results from different measurements. Applications include user-defined  
measurement units, data correction, and normalization.  
Measurement data, data register, constants, jw  
+, –, x, /, conjugate, magnitude, phase, real, imaginary, square, square root, FFT, inverse FFT, windowing,  
logarithm, exponential, peak value, reciprocal, phase unwrap, zero  
Perform complex stimulus-response measurements with modulated signals  
Graph settings  
Stimulus and response data selection (auto or manual)  
Compensation (amplitude normalization, time alignment, phase error compensation)  
Polynomial order of curve-fit line  
Graph results  
Differential error vector magnitude, averaged over all time points  
Average gain of response data over stimulus data  
Delay between stimulus and response data  
Average stimulus power  
Average response power  
Coefficients for curve-fit line  
Trace appearance  
Trace formats  
Log mag (dB or linear), linear mag, real (I), real (Q), wrap phase, unwrap phase, I-Q, constellation, I-eye,  
Q-eye, trellis-eye, group delay  
Trace layouts  
Unlimited traces, displayed on detachable grids with user-determined layout  
User-definable color palette  
Number of colors  
Special visualization displays  
Adjustable parameters  
Color mapping  
Unique visual tools providing ways of looking at time-varying signals  
Color normal, color reverse, grey normal, grey reverse, user-defined  
Determines how colors are distributed.  
Sets threshold value for currently selected visualization display type  
Cumulative history, digital persistence, spectrogram  
Display types  
RMS (video), RMS (video) exponential, peak hold, time, time exponential  
Number of averages, maximum  
Overlap processing  
> 108  
0 to 99.99%  