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IR2166SPBF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: IR2166SPBF
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分类和应用: 稳压器开关式稳压器或控制器电源电路开关式控制器功率因数校正光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 29 页 / 371 K
品牌: INFINEON [ Infineon ]
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Ignition Mode (IGN)  
RT and timing capacitor CT (see Design  
Equations, page 26, Equations 3 and 4). Should  
The ignition mode is defined as the state the IC hard-switching occur at the half-bridge at any  
is in when a high voltage is being established time due to an open-filament or lamp removal,  
across the lamp necessary for igniting the lamp. the voltage across the current sensing resistor,  
The IR2166 enters ignition mode when the RCS, will exceed the internal threshold of 1.3 volts  
voltage on pin CPH exceeds 10V.  
and the IC will enter FAULT mode and gate driver  
outputs HO, LO and PFC will be latched low.  
Pin CPH is connected internally to the gate of a  
P-channel MOSFET (S4) (see Figure 4) that DC Bus Under-voltage Reset  
connects pin RPH with pin RT. As pin CPH  
exceeds 10V, the gate-to-source voltage of Should the DC bus decrease too low during a  
MOSFET S4 begins to fall below the turn-on brownout line condition or overload condition,  
threshold of S4. As pin CPH continues to ramp the resonant output stage to the lamp can shift  
towards VCC, switch S4 turns off slowly. This near or below resonance. This can produce  
results in resistor RPH being disconnected hard-switching at the half-bridge which can  
smoothly from resistor RT, which causes the damage the half-bridge switches or, the DC bus  
operating frequency to ramp smoothly from the can decrease too far and the lamp can  
preheat frequency, through the ignition frequency, extinguish. To protect against this, the VBUS pin  
to the final run frequency. The over-current includes a 3.0V under-voltage threshold. Should  
threshold on pin CS will protect the ballast the voltage at the VBUS pin decrease below 3.0V,  
against a non-strike or open-filament lamp fault VCC will be discharged to the UVLO- threshold  
condition. The voltage on pin CS is defined by and all gate driver outputs will be latched low.  
the lower half-bridge MOSFET current flowing  
through the external current sensing resistor For proper ballast design, the designer should  
RCS. The resistor RCS therefore programs the design the PFC section such that the DC bus  
maximum allowable peak ignition current (and does not drop until the AC line input voltage falls  
therefore peak ignition voltage) of the ballast below the rated input voltage of the ballast (See  
output stage. If the number of over current pulses PFC section). When correctly designed, the  
exceed 25, the IC will enter fault mode and gate voltage measured at the VBUS pin will decrease  
driver outputs HO, LO and PFC will be latched below the internal 3.0V threshold and the ballast  
will turn off cleanly. The pull-up resistor to VCC  
( SUPPLY) will then turn the ballast on again  
Run Mode (RUN)  
with the AC input line voltage increasing to the  
minimum specified value causing VCC to exceed  
Once the lamp has successfully ignited, the  
ballast enters run mode. The run mode is defined  
as the state the IC is in when the lamp arc is  
established and the lamp is being driven to a  
given power level. The run mode oscillating  
frequency is determined by the timing resistor  
SUPPLY should be set to turn the ballast on at  
the minimum specified ballast input voltage. The  
PFC should then be designed such that the DC  
bus decreases at an input line voltage that is  