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313072-002 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 313072-002
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内容描述: 高级内存缓冲器 [Advanced Memory Buffer]
文件页数/大小: 250 页 / 3863 K
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Electrical, Power, and Thermal  
An 8-bit register will store the temperature. The sensor measures from 0 to 127  
degrees C measured in 0.5 degree increments in a register with values from 0 to 255.  
Internal analog nodes (anode, cathode, and so forth) of this circuit will not be brought  
out to package pins to keep noise at a minimum.  
Refer to the Intel® 6400/6402 Advanced Memory Buffer Thermal Mechanical Design  
Guide for more information on the thermal sensor.  
Thermal Sensor Effects on the AMB’s  
Functional Behavior  
When enabled, the results of the thermal trip points TEMPLO and TEMPMID are  
reported in FBD Status 0 responses following Sync commands.  
If the temperature exceeds TEMPHI, errors are logged. If the TEMPHIENABLE bit in the  
TEMPSTAT register is set, DDR shutdown occurs and FBD links go into electrical idle  
mode. This over TEMPHI behavior also applies when in LAI mode. See the error chapter  
for a more complete description of chip behavior when TEMPHI is exceeded.  
A temperature TEMPSTAT.INCREASING bit is also generated depending on whether the  
temp is greater or less than the last time the INCREASING bit was sampled. Sampling  
to create INCREASING bit is controlled by writes to register UPDATED. When  
temperature is above TEMPMID, this information also shows up in the  
FBDS0.Thermal_Trip register field and in the Status response of FBD Sync commands  
targeted to FBDS0.  
Intel® 6400/6402 Advanced Memory Buffer Datasheet  