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IC-MH8_11 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: IC-MH8_11
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内容描述: 12几分棱角霍尔编码器 [12 BIT ANGULAR HALL ENCODER]
分类和应用: 编码器
文件页数/大小: 25 页 / 703 K
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Rev A0.9, Page 24/25  
able. The addresses 0x10 to 0x1F and 0x77 are read-  
only. With CFGPROT = ’1’, all registers except the ad-  
dresses 0x7B and 0x7C are write-protected; the ad-  
dresses 0x77 to 0x7F are readable, while all others  
are read-protected.  
100 nF  
100 nF  
+ 5V  
+ 7V  
An internal programming algorithm for the ZAP diodes  
is started by setting the bit PROGZAP. This process  
can only be successful if the voltage at VZAP is greater  
than 6.5 V and the test register TEST (2:0) is not set.  
Following programming, the register is reset internally  
again. In the process, the bit PROGOK is set in the  
status register (address 0x77) when programming is  
successful, and the bit PROGERR if it is not.  
10 µF  
100 nF  
Figure 26: Recommended setup for external program-  
ming. A short low impedance path (shown in  
light red) must be provided directly from pin  
VZAP to pins VNA1, VNA2.  
The ZAP memory can be tested by reading the regis-  
ter range 0x10-0x1f. This test can be done with with a  
higher readout current (Bit ENHC=1) to simulate dete-  
riorated working conditions.  
For reliable ROM writing, a low impedance connection  
path as shown in Figure 26 must be established for the  
VZAP blocking capacitor (about 100 nF) between pin  
VZAP and pins VNA1, VNA2 to ensure stable VZAP  
voltage during programming. A further capacitor of  
10 µF which may be located externally (e.g. on the pro-  
gramming board) is recommended for additional block-  
ing purpose.  
Figure 27: Example PCB layout showing low impedance  
connection of capacitors to supply voltages  
(VPA, VPD, VZAP) and common ground  
A typical PCB layout may look like the one shown in  
Figure 27.  
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As a general rule our developments, IPs, principle circuitry and range of Integrated Circuits are suitable and specifically designed for appropriate use in technical  
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We understand suitable application of our published designs to be state-of-the-art technology which can no longer be classed as inventive under the stipulations  
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