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HI-3210PQMF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HI-3210PQMF
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内容描述: ARINC 429数据管理引擎/八通道接收器/发射器四 [ARINC 429 DATA MANAGEMENT ENGINE / Octal Receiver / Quad Transmitter]
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 159 K
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The HI-3210 includes a simple, user-selectable Interrupt  
Handler. Two types of Interrupt are possible - Message  
Event Driven (ARINC 429 Bus), and Fault Driven.  
Fault Interrupts  
There are four fault Interrupt bits in the PIR. Fault  
Interrupts are not maskable, and their Interrupt Mask bits  
are fixed at a “1”.  
ARINC 429 Receive Interrupts  
COPYERR is set when the HI-3210 detects a mismatch  
between RAM and EEPROM after attempting to program  
the Auto-initialization EEPROM.  
As described earlier, the user can elect to generate an  
interrupt upon receipt of an ARINC 429 message on any  
combination of the eight available channels and for any  
of the possible 256 label byte (ARINC message bits 1-8)  
values. Interrupts are enabled when the ARINC 429 Rx  
Interrupt look-up bit is a “1”.  
AUTOERR is set when the Auto-Initialization EEPROM  
read verification cycle detects a mismatch between the  
on-chip memory and EEPROM following auto-  
When a message arrives that is flagged to generate an  
Interrupt, that channel’s bit is set in the ARINC 429  
Receiver Pending Interrupt Register APIR. The ARINC  
429 Interrupt Address Register (AIAR) for that channel is  
updated with the ARINC 429 8-bit label value.  
CHKERR is set when an auto-initialization checksum  
error is detected.  
The RAMFAIL bit is set if the Built-In Self Test sequence  
For example, if ARINC Receive channel 7 is enabled for  
Interrupts when messages with ARINC label 0xD4 arrive,  
then on receipt of such a message, APIR bit 7 is set to a  
“1” and the value 0xD4 is written to AIAR7.  
If the corresponding bit in the ARINC 429 Receive  
Interrupt Mask Register is a “1” the AINT interrupt output  
will go high and stay high until the AACK input pin is  
driven high. Driving AACK high, causes the AINT pin to  
return to zero.  
A special Indexed SPI read instruction is available to  
allow the host to efficiently retrieve ARINC 429 messages  
which have Interrupts Enabled (see SPI instruction set  
Note that if AACK is tied high permanently, the AINT pin  
will go high for approximately 1 us before returning to  
zero. A host CPU read of the APIR register reads the  
current value and resets APIR to 0x00.  