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HT46R01 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HT46R01
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内容描述: 10引脚MSOP A / D型8位OTP MCU [10-Pin MSOP A/D Type 8-Bit OTP MCU]
文件页数/大小: 60 页 / 482 K
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A/D Input Pins  
Step 1  
Select the required A/D conversion clock by correctly  
programming bits ADCS0 to ADCS20 in the ACSR  
All of the A/D analog input pins are pin-shared with the  
I/O pins on Port A. Bits PCR0~PCR2 in the ADCR regis-  
ter, not configuration options, determine whether the in-  
put pins are setup as normal Port A input/output pins or  
whether they are setup as analog inputs. In this way,  
pins can be changed under program control to change  
their function from normal I/O operation to analog inputs  
and vice versa. Pull-high resistors, which are setup via  
the PAPU register, apply to the input pins only when they  
are used as normal I/O pins, if setup as A/D inputs the  
pull-high resistors will be automatically disconnected.  
Note that it is not necessary to first setup the A/D pin as  
an input in the PAC port control register to enable the  
A/D input, when the PCR2~PCR0 bits enable an A/D in-  
put, the status of the port control register will be overrid-  
den. The VDD power supply pin is used as the A/D  
converter reference voltage, and as such analog inputs  
must not be allowed to exceed this value. Appropriate  
measures should also be taken to ensure that the VDD  
pin remains as stable and noise free as possible.  
Step 2  
Select which pins on Port A are to be used as A/D in-  
puts and configure them as A/D input pins by correctly  
programming the PCR0~PCR2 bits in the ADCR reg-  
Step 3  
Select which channel is to be connected to the internal  
A/D converter by correctly programming the  
ACS0~ACS2 bits which are also contained in the  
ADCR register. Note that this step can be combined  
with Step 2 into a single ADCR register programming  
Step 4  
If the interrupts are to be used, the interrupt control  
registers must be correctly configured to ensure the  
A/D converter interrupt function is active. The master  
interrupt control bit, EMI, in the interrupt control regis-  
ter must be set high and the A/D converter interrupt  
bit, EADI, in the interrupt control register must also be  
set high.  
Initialising the A/D Converter  
The internal A/D converter must be initialised in a spe-  
cial way. Each time the A/D channel selection bits are  
modified by the program, the A/D converter must be  
re-initialised. If the A/D converter is not initialised after  
the channel selection bits are changed, the EOCB flag  
may have an undefined value, which may produce a  
false end of conversion signal. To initialise the A/D con-  
verter after the channel selection bits have changed,  
then, within a time frame of one to ten instruction cycles,  
the START bit in the ADCR register must first be set high  
and then immediately cleared to zero. This will ensure  
that the EOCB flag is correctly set to a high condition.  
Step 5  
The analog to digital conversion process can now be  
initialised by setting the START bit in the ADCR regis-  
ter from low to high and then low again. Note that this  
bit should have been originally set to a zero value.  
Step 6  
To check when the analog to digital conversion pro-  
cess is complete, the EOCB bit in the ADCR register  
can be polled. The conversion process is complete  
when this bit goes low. When this occurs the A/D data  
registers be read to obtain the conversion value. As  
an alternative method if the interrupts are enabled and  
the stack is not full, the program can wait for an A/D in-  
terrupt to occur.  
Summary of A/D Conversion Steps  
Note: When checking for the end of the conversion  
process, if the method of polling the EOCB bit in  
the ADCR register is used, the interrupt enable  
step above can be omitted.  
The following summarises the individual steps that  
should be executed in order to implement an A/D con-  
version process.  
Rev. 1.00  
September 21, 2007  