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68HC05P4A_1 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 68HC05P4A_1
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内容描述: 规格(通用版) [SPECIFICATION (General Release)]
文件页数/大小: 83 页 / 2055 K
品牌: FREESCALE [ Freescale ]
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.  
3.3.2 I — Interrupt  
When this bit is set, timer and external interrupts are masked (disabled). If an  
interrupt occurs while this bit is set, the interrupt is latched and processed as soon  
as the interrupt bit is cleared.  
3.3.3 N — Negative  
When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data  
manipulation was negative.  
3.3.4 Z — Zero  
When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data  
manipulation was zero.  
3.3.5 C — Carry/Borrow  
When set, this bit indicates that a carry or borrow out of the arithmetic logical unit  
(ALU) occurred during the last arithmetic operation. This bit is also affected  
during bit test and branch instructions and during shifts and rotates.  
Stack Pointer (SP)  
The stack pointer contains the address of the next free location on the stack.  
During an MCU reset or the reset stack pointer (RSP) instruction, the stack  
pointer is set to location $00FF. The stack pointer is then decremented as data is  
pushed onto the stack and incremented as data is pulled from the stack.  
When accessing memory, the seven most significant bits are permanently set to  
Rev. 2.0  
For More Information On This Product,  
Go to: www.freescale.com  