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F71872FG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: F71872FG
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 超级H / W监控+ LPC IO [Super H/W Monitor + LPC IO]
分类和应用: 监控PC
文件页数/大小: 115 页 / 3055 K
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Fan Speed mode  
Fan speed mode is an intelligent method according to expected fan speed pre-setting by BIOS. In the  
beginning, fan speed will be operated at full speed and the F71872 will get the full speed count value. After  
that, the fan speed will automatically rotate according to the expected fan speed setting by BIOS. For instance,  
the register CR69h and CR6Ah are used for this mode of FAN1.  
Temperature mode  
At this mode, F71872 provides the clever system to automatically control fan speed related to  
temperature system. The F71872 can provide three temperature boundaries and three intervals for user  
setting, and each interval has its related fan speed count. All these values should be set by BIOS first. In the  
F71872 design, the F71872 will auto-generate temperature boundaries (average value) between those  
boundaries that user setting, and it will auto-produce interval fan speed count (average value) between users  
setting value.  
If the temperature value is set to 40, 50 and 90°C, it will auto-generate two temperature boundaries value  
of 45°C (This value is calculated automatically by hardware design of the F71872. (450+40)/2 =45 ) and 70°C.  
The same way, the related desired fan speed counts for each interval are 4200RPM, 3600RPM, 3000RPM,  
2500RPM, 2000RPM and Stop Counts. When the temperature is within 50~70°C, the fan speed counts will be  
3000RPM (Registers CRA4h~CRA9h, CRB4h~CRB9h and CRC4h~CRC9h). The F71872 will auto-adjust  
PWMOUT (PWM_DUTY) to make fan speed match the expected value. It can be said that the fan will be  
turned on with a specific speed set by BIOS and automatically controlled with the temperature varying. The  
F71872 will take charge of all the fan speed control and need no software support.  
Desired Counts (RPM)  
90 Degree C  
70 Degree C  
50 Degree C  
45 Degree C  
40 Degree C  
Stop Counts  
(Average value)  
(Average value)  
PWMOUT Duty-cycle operating process  
In both “FAN SPEED” and “TEMPERATURE” modes, F71872 adjust PWMOUT (PWM_DUTY1 (CR6B)  
of Fan1, PWM_DUTY2 (CR7B) of Fan2, PWM_DUTY3 (CR8B) of Fan3) duty-cycle according to current fan  
count and expected fan count. It will operate as follows:  
July, 2007  