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M13S5121632A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M13S5121632A
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内容描述: 8M ×16位×4银行双倍数据速率SDRAM [8M x 16 Bit x 4 Banks Double Data Rate SDRAM]
分类和应用: 动态存储器双倍数据速率
文件页数/大小: 47 页 / 966 K
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Write Interrupted by a Precharge & DM  
A burst write operation can be interrupted before completion of the burst by a precharge of the same bank. Random column  
access is allowed. A write recovery time (tWR) is required from the last data to precharge command. When precharge command is  
asserted, any residual data from the burst write cycle must be masked by DM.  
<Burst Length = 8>  
C L K  
C L K  
NO P  
NO P  
NO P  
NO P  
NO P  
NO P  
C O M M A N D  
t D Q S S m a x  
DQ S  
t W R  
D i n a 6  
D i n a 1 D i n a 2 D i n a 3 D i n a 4 D i n a 5  
D i n a 7  
D i n b 0  
D i n a 0  
D Q ' s  
DQ S  
t W R  
t D Q S S m i n  
D i n a 1 D i n a 2 D i n a 3 D i n a 4 D i n a 5  
D i n a 7  
D i n a 6  
D i n b 1  
D i n b 0  
D i n a 0  
D Q ' s  
D M  
Precharge timing for Write operations in DRAMs requires enough time to allow “Write recovery” which is the time required by a  
DRAM core to properly store a full “0” or “1” level before a Precharge operation. For DDR SDRAM, a timing parameter, tWR, is used  
to indicate the required of time between the last valid write operation and a Precharge command to the same bank.  
The precharge timing for writes is a complex definition since the write data is sampled by the data strobe and the address is  
sampled by the input clock. Inside the SDRAM, the data path is eventually synchronizes with the address path by switching clock  
domains from the data strobe clock domain to the input clock domain.  
This makes the definition of when a precharge operation can be initiated after a write very complex since the write recovery  
parameter must reference only the clock domain that is used to time the internal write operation i.e., the input clock domain.  
tWR starts on the rising clock edge after the last possible DQS edge that strobed in the last valid and ends on the rising clock  
edge that strobes in the precharge command.  
1. For the earliest possible Precharge command following a Write burst without interrupting the burst, the minimum time for write  
recovery is defined by tWR  
2. When a precharge command interrupts a Write burst operation, the data mask pin, DQ, is used to mask input data during the  
time between the last valid write data and the rising clock edge in which the Precharge command is given. During this time, the  
DQS input is still required to strobe in the state of DM.  
The minimum time for write recovery is defined by tWR  
3. For a Write with autoprecharge command, a new Bank Activate command may be issued to the same bank after tWR + tRP where  
tWR + tRP starts on the falling DQS edge that strobed in the last valid data and ends on the rising clock edge that strobes in the  
Bank Activate commands. During write with autoprecharge, the initiation of the internal precharge occurs at the same time as  
the earliest possible external Precharge command without interrupting the Write burst as described in 1 above.  
4. In all cases, a Precharge operation cannot be initiated unless tRAS(min) [minimum Bank Activate to Precharge time] has been  
satisfied. This includes Write with autoprecharge commands where tRAS(min) must still be satisfied such that a Write with  
autoprecharge command has the same timing as a Write command followed by the earliest possible Precharge command  
which does not interrupt the burst.  
Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc.  
Publication Date : Oct. 2008  
Revision : 1.0 21/47  